Garage Sales this weekend in Superior

With this week containing the second Saturday of August, it is time for Superior’s second City-Wide Garage Sale Rendition of 2022, The classified section of this newspaper contains a description of the sales and a map of Superior to help those not acquainted with the town’s street names find the sale locations.

The second Saturday of August was picked in the 1970s for the first ever city-wide garage sale because it came before the start of school and was after the merchants’ sidewalk sale held on the first Saturday. An August date was thought to be advantageous because the parents of school age children would be shopping for children’s clothes and those with surplus garden produce would be able to share their produce via the garage sales.

But times have changed. School now starts much earlier than it once did, in fact this year, school opened today. It seems fewer people have garden produce to sell.

Should the date of the August garage sale be changed? The U.S. 136 Heritage Highway organization now sponsors an across the state garage sale at the end of September and has asked Superior to join that event.

Some have suggested Superior’s August Sale should be moved to coincide with Heritage Highway event. Others have said since Superior is located five miles south of Highway 136, it will be difficult to attract shoppers and the August date should be continued.

The annual Superior event has been sponsored by this newspaper. Readers, shoppers and sale hosts are invited to chime in and share their thoughts about when the 2023 sale should be held. The current plan is to continue the spring sale on the fourth Saturday of April in 2023.


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