Department heads meet with county commissioners

The Jewell County Commissioners met last Monday. Steve Greene, Brent Beck, and Keith Roe were present.

The following were present for office head meeting Anna Porter, county appraiser; Nora Rhoades, Post Rock extension district director; Chris Petet, custodian; Brenda Eakins, treasurer; Alexandria Pierce, county attorney; Cindy Becker, health administrator; Don Jacobs, sheriff; and Kevin Peroutek, noxious weed director, emergency preparedness director and 911 coordinator. Those absent; Shannon Meier, ambulance director; Joel Elkins, general superintendent; Amanda Davis, register of deeds; and Travis Garst, solid waste director.

Anna Porter said they continue to work on the reinspection.

Chris Petet said he is waiting for the roofers to repair the three leaks in the courthouse roof.

Nora Rhoads reported the Jewell County Fair went well. The Jewell County extension office has two interns.

Kevin Peroutek said he provided hand sanitizer to the Jewell County Fair and planned to attend the Regional Homeland Security meeting. The heat and wind had affected spraying.

Alex Pierce discussed the new court system for filing cases. She reported the following cases: five juvenile; eight criminal; one child in need of care; 55 traffic; and nine fish and game.

Cindy Becker said the health department is seeing more positive COVID-19 cases. They will have a Moderna clinic. The LED sign was installed at the health department.

Brenda Eakins said the treasurer’s office has been working with tax redemptions. She also discussed the process for the tax sale in 2023.

Carla Waugh discussed the upcoming primary election. She discussed the new requirements for sending out notices to every taxpayer for those tax entities that exceed the Revenue Neutral Rate (RNR). The notices are required to be mailed by Aug. 10.

Don Jacobs reported the jail was full.

Keith Roe discussed the county budget. He said the county is exceeding the RNR by 3 mills. The county did not exceed the RNR last year.

Brent Beck said he attended the juvenile justice authority meeting and the road safety meeting.

Steve Greene said he attended the economic development meeting and plans to attend the hospital board meeting. He thanked everyone for attending the office head meeting.

Joel Elkins, general superintendent, discussed projects and equipment repairs.


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