
The week that was . . .

People of different political beliefs have been busy since the end of last week trying to convince other people (or maybe just venting anger or joy) that last week was a week that will be remembered for a long time.

I’m guessing that almost everyone by now knows that the Supreme Court

of the United States (SCOTUS) reversed a 49 year old decision concerning what liberals called a “Right” to an abortion for all women.

In 1973 the SCOTUS found a right in the U. S. Constitution for women to

have an abortion, regardless of what their state laws dictated.

For almost 50 years many, many others have been trying to find and understand that decision. Finally this past year a case came before the SCOTUS in direct conflict of that earlier decision that became known as Roe vs. Wade.

The Supreme Court simply said that in 1973, they made a mistake, nowhere in the Constitution is there a right to abortion. And, since the Constitution does not grant that right to the federal government, the right remains to each state, and they make the decision to allow, or not allow abortions to take place in their state.

However . . . as so often happens when liberals “lose” a decision in a court, or maybe an election, all kinds of stories are being pushed on the American people.

Liberals are doing their best to confuse others about programs and policies they may be unhappy with, as with this decision on abortion.

All this decision said was that the Constitution does not grant universal abortion rights to women in the U. S. That decision is up to the states.

That is the simple fact of the decision.

If I understood what some of the demonstrations included in their protest and violence over the weekend, were ‘Gay Rights,’ ‘Birth Control,’ and . . . . (you fill in the blanks).

I am amused that Democrats often talk about “the people”. Many of them

are very upset with this decision, yet, all the Supreme Court did was return the question of abortion to ‘the people’ at the state level.

Really, there are many discussions people could have over abortions. I can’t possibly cover them all. However, there are a couple I’d like to include this week.

No. 1: Liberals and Democrats seem to very, very upset when court decisions don’t go their way as this one didn’t. My opinion on this item is that for many years now, these same Democrats and Liberals have been using the courts to change things they could not change in the legislative arena. And . . . they got away with it. That is how we

allowed those millions of people to be killed (via abortions) over these past 50 years.

Seems the Liberals cannot count on the ‘courts” any more and they don’t

like it.

No. 2: The talk on the TV News reports is of the “anger” that has followed the court decision.

I don’t know about you, but I haven’t seen this anger locally. They show the violence in the protests and talk about anger. However, there are just as many people who think the decision was correct and “good.”

No. 3: Both the Pro-abortion, or Pro-Choice people and the Pro-Life people have had almost 50 years in this debate. Both sides have made mistakes

in how they have carried out their arguments.

However: I was around in 1973 when the first decision was made with Roe vs. Wade. There was no violent protest then and at each of the yearly “March For Life” protests over these year there was no mob violence done. Unlike the protests that took place this past week.

We have the right to ‘protest’ but we do not have the right for all the violence that so often accompanies the protests.

That violence stirs up the confusion that our Liberal friends think is essential for them to accomplish their aims.


One other little matter I’d like to mention this week.

I’ve mentioned a time or two that many in the national media like to report on only news they think aids the liberal agenda.

I almost missed (and never saw it on the national media) the news that a Japanese court ruled a week ago that a ban on same-sex marriage was not unconstitutional.

The constitution for Japan is not the same as the U. S. constitution, but maybe some parts of the world are regaining a little common sense.



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