County awarded $20,000 towards fire department radios

The Jewell County Commissioners met Tuesday, May 31. Commissioners Steve Greene, Brent Beck, and Keith Roe were present. Carla J. Waugh, county clerk, was present for the meeting.

The following were present for office head meeting; Alexandria Carabajal, county attorney; Anna Porter, county appraiser; Chris Petet, custodian; Amanda Davis, register of deeds; Travis Garst, solid waste director; Brenda Eakins, treasurer; Don Jacobs, sheriff; Joel Elkins, general superintendent; Cindy Becker, health administrator; and Kevin Peroutek, noxious weed director, emergency preparedness director and 911 coordinator. Those absent; Shannon Meier, ambulance director; and Nora Rhoades, Post Rock Extension District director.

Travis Garst said he has been working on the permitting process for a new cell at the C&D pit. They have been cleaning at the transfer station by power washing the walls, installing new lights and other maintenance.

Joel Elkins said they were working on the roads after the rain.

Kevin Peroutek reported for emergency preparedness that he attended the regional homeland security meeting. Jewell County Emergency Management applied for and received a Dane G. Hansen grant in the amount of $20,000 to help fund radios for all the fire departments in Jewell County. Windy days had delayed spraying. He had had several chemical sales.

Anna Porter said the appraiser’s office certified real estate and personal property values with both having increases. She said they had less than 50 file for an appeal hearing. They have started on the 17 percent re-inspection.

Cindy Becker said she is working to get an adult vaccine program. She also has been working on the WIC budget, WIC vendor monitor, the audit for home health and COVID-19 vaccine clinics. She has a meeting with the school to discuss the school nurse contract. She attended the CO-OP Table Top Exercise.

Brenda Eakins had prepared budget estimates for all the districts and was working on a distribution for the taxing units.

Don Jacobs reported he hired a dispatcher. He said he attended training this past month. He reported Jewell County had one person in jail.

Alex Carabajal provided the following update on active cases: 31 traffic cases, one child in need of care case, five fish and game, and 17 criminal cases. She was preparing for a trial. In July, the district court is transitioning to a new filing system.

Carla Waugh said her office completed the online tax and payroll training provided by Aumentum Technologies. She said the candidate filing deadline for local candidates was by noon on June 1. Carla said she was working on the tax certification checklist to certify valuations to the taxing entities for the budget process. It is a short time frame with the new Revenue Neutral Rate (RNR) deadlines and notices that are required to be mailed for those exceeding the RNR. The office also worked on the tax distribution. Jewell County was one of several counties selected for a KPERS audit. Carla was working with the software vendor to provide the requested reports.

Joel Elkins, general superintendent, discussed road maintenance projects and repairs to the reclaimer.

Kevin Peroutek, emergency preparedness director and 911 coordinator and Daniel Pierce, Pierce Electronics, discussed the Dane G. Hansen Grant award of $20,000 for the fire department radio project of $96,859.76. They said this will get the whole county standardized.


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