
What a relief . . . .

These past few months I was afraid the world was coming to an end. Considering the senseless carnage from all of the ‘shootings’, the confusion of letting men compete in college sports as women; watching one of the larger nations (Russia) wage war on its neighbor (Ukraine) . . . what is a person supposed to think . . . or do?

Finally, we got the answers we need. They came from no less a person than our current president (ole man Joe, or something like that). And, from that college age guy who likes to dress up like a girl and compete against girls (we finally get his answer as to why he likes to do such a thing).

First . . . The President’s talk to the nation after the killing of the 19 school children in Texas.

Since I’m classified as a ‘senior citizen’ these days, I don’t have an office to go to and sometimes listen to these presidential speeches. This speech was the perfect example of just one the reasons our nation is in the condition we are in. Specifically, why we have the number of people being killed these days for no apparent reason.

To put it simply, the president tried to convey his sorrow for all the families who had “children” killed. Everyone can agree with that. However, He shows no sympathy for those children, already conceived, but not yet born. It is simply fine to kill them, and the term we use to denote this killing is abortion . . .

For much of the last fifty years, the American public has been fed the idea by our “Liberal” political parties and the national media, that it is OK to kill unborn babies. In fact, some of these Liberals think it is just fine to kill certain babies even after they are born. And, of course, a number of these Liberal are just fine with killing adults, much older, if society has the idea they are just not worth the trouble of letting them live. We don’t use the word “Kill” in this case we use the word “euthanasia.” The word is not understood and does not carry the negative meaning “Killing” does.

Does not the president understand that not all people understand why it is OK to kill some folks, but not OK to kill others? That fine line has not been understood in many cases.

Secondly: That case about the young man competing as a girl in college sports . . .

I finally caught a little TV interview with him and he had a very simply reason as to why he wants to believe he is a girl and wants to compete as a girl.

The reason: “It makes him happy.”

In the short interview with him, that was the only explanation he gave. And, you know what, the national media never used that film clip again.

Gosh . . . that is simple, isn’t it?

Do what makes you happy.

If your neighbor parks his car someplace you don’t like, you’d sure be happy if someone shot him.

If you spent four or five years in college and now face the prospect of having to repay those loans, you’d sure be happy if someone paid those loans off for you. Sounds like the president is wanting to do that. (I wonder if all those people who have already paid their loans are happy.)

I thought it was already a well-established bench mark for society that we just can’t do things that are not good just to make us happy.

So, yes . . . we got answers, but you might as well try to convince everyone that one plus one equals three.

That’s about how much sense the answers make.


Thinking about our state of affairs here in American I am reminded of several lines from one of my all-time favorite songs: American Pie.

One phrase goes: “Did you write the book of love, and do you have faith in God above if the Bible tells you so?”

A phrase at the end of the song goes: “And the three men I admire most, The Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost, they caught the last train for the coast, the day the music died.”

I’m not smart enough to say these words from over 50 years ago have anything to do with our situation today, but for some reason, they came to mind.

In spite of every evil thing happening today, we have to continue our belief in God above. And . . . if we really think the music has died just because a president and some college age kid don’t know what’s important . . . maybe the Father, Son and Holy Ghost really did leave for the coast.


June 6, 1944 . . . Also known as “D-Day” was the beginning of the end of WWII in Europe.

I haven’t seen many signs in America of the celebration of this event in the war.

Of the 4,000+ men killed in this single battle, over 2,500 were Americans.

I bring this up now as it comes just after Memorial Day. A day we set aside to honor all those who had died in the service of their country.

I hope all of you can remember all of those, over the years, who paid the ultimate price in the defense of their freedom then . . . and now.



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