Ask a Pastor Column

Presenting biblical answers to tough questions

Q:  How does the Bible line up with science? 

A: The tension between current church doctrines, modern scientific perspectives and the timeless truths of Scripture is an ongoing challenge for anyone searching for Truth in this world. Adding to the difficulty is the fact that the perspectives of scientists are drawn from interpretations of the natural world, while students of Scripture begin with Truths drawn from God’s Word. Both approaches are legitimate. When conflicts occur, great care and patience must be exercised to determine whether scientists or Bible students (if not both together!) have the wrong view of reality.

There have been times in history when leaders in the church have had to yield to scientists in their understanding of how poetic or unclear Scriptures relate to the natural world (i.e., Psalm 19:5-6 versus Galileo’s sun-centric solar system). There have also been many occasions where scientists have been forced by natural evidence to return to perspectives consistently taught by the Bible (such as human ancestry tracing back to one original couple (Acts 17:26); now proven by genetics).

In short, each conflict between modern scientific opinion and modern theological perspective must be taken case by case. As one who is persuaded of the divine nature and origin of Scripture, I am comfortable with committing to clear teachings in the Bible that go against scientific opinion. However, I am also comfortable with allowing scientists to challenge long-held perspectives and opinions within the church. If we claim to be followers of the Truth, we must be willing to follow Him wherever He leads!

The questions and answers compiled over the last year are now available in hard-copy and digital format. To request a copy send an email to askapastor [email protected] or by mail to Formoso Church; P.O. Box 66; Formoso Kan. 66942


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