Vice president Marc Grout called the 107 Board of Education meeting to order Monday. Those present were Kenny Mizner (Zoom), Brenden Wirth, Marc Grout, Brandon Hollerich, Justin Angleton, Bobi Fogo, Wayne Frost, Rex Boley, Sam Meyers and Janet Higer.
The facility report mentioned the practice gym had a leak which has been repaired. There were no leaks from the last round of rain and no leaks at the elementary or high school.
New convection ovens for high school and elementary are in at Sunflower Restaurant Supply in Salina and will be installed as soon as school is out. The new convection steamer is working well at the high school.
Updates have been made at the elementary on boiler controls and they now can also be controlled by the Jace for HVAC.
Rock Hills will be the host site for a Jackie Stiles Basketball Camp on June 11.
Rock Hills teachers met to set up the new Jumpstart program. There will be three weeks of themed learning. Week 1- agriculture, Week 2-water and Week 3-camping. Teachers are looking at putting together a field trip per week that goes along with the theme. Goals are:
1. Building relationships (both peers and teachers)
2. Literacy
3. Increase number sense
There have been issues with the radio communication in the buses. It is an antilog system with an antenna on the tower just east of the junior-senior high school. The administration has checked to see what it would take to fix the communication issues - a new antenna and wire and to hire someone to climb the tower to install them. The estimated cost is $8,200. The district is required to have communication in the buses and it can’t be a cellphone. What repair needs to be done to fix the current issues and can still be used when the district is required to move to digital radio system. Once the FCC gives notice, the district will have 10 years to switch over. If the conversion was made today, it would cost more than $26,000.
Repair are being made on the stadium seating boards.The welcome rain slowed the process.
The board approved food service appointments: Rex Boley,food service representative and officer for free and reduced meal application appeals; Sarah Ortman, K-5 determining official for lunches; Jaid Rumft, 6-12 determining official for lunches.
Approved 2022-2023 adult meal prices at $4.15.
Approved classified work agreement start and end dates for 2022-2023: Bus drivers, August 16- May 12;
cooks, August 12-May 19; MTSS paras, August 12- May 19; elementary secretary, July 25- June 22; and junior-senior high secretary – July 25 – June 9.
Mr. Boley reviewed the ESSER III Draft Plan with the board and went over expenses relating to, and qualifying for, ESSER III.
He reminded the board there would be a special meeting on Wednesday, May 11, to keep refining the scope and dollars of the facility study. Mr. Boley reviewed documents provided to him regarding district levies and tax valuations.
Kara Gilbert and Mrs. Gina Jeffery will be providing summer instruction at the junior-senior high school.
Mr. Boley visited with the board about the need to re-publish the budget. Because of the KSDE audit, the district is able to receive additional state aid and it is necessary to republish in order to have budget authority for those funds.
The board held a discussion on several options for dental plans. The board was in consensus on surveying employees to see what they would like in a dental plan.
Mr. Boley reviewed the KDHE grant and discussed the Synexsis Air Purifiers that are tied to that grant.
The audit contract with Mapes and Miller was approved for the 2022-2023 fiscal year.
The board approved the 2022 Jump Start Staff List as follows: Sarah Warne, Hannah Daniels, Michelle Morain, Megan Duskie, Meghan Cason and Joni Meiers
The board approved the hiring of Emily Harkness as the Library-MTSS Para at the elementary school for the 22-23 school year.
The board accepted the resignation of Barbara Railsback effective at the end of her contract.
The board approved the supplemental contracts as presented.
High school - Volleyball: Tracy Anderes, head coach; Tiffany Collins, assistant.
Football: Sawyer Havenstein, head coach; Wyatt Flinn and Otis Hendryx, assistants.
Dance: Jessica Shulda
Summer weight room: Sawyer Havenstein
Junior High - Volleyball:Tiffany Collins, head coach; Kevin Feldkamp, assisant coach.
Football: Sawyer Havenstein, head coach; Zach Duffy, assistant coach.
Summer weight room: Zach Duffy
District activities directors: Sawyer Havenstein and Zach Duffy
FFA: Jenna Langer
Professional development chair: Billie Cox
District technology coordinator: Billie Cox
Assistant district technology coordinator: Nikki Ost
Summer district technology coordinator: Billie Cox
The next special meeting was scheduled for 5:30 p.m.,Wednesday, May 11, in the Rock Hills Junior-Senior
High School Library.
The next regular meeting is scheduled at 7 p.m., Monday, June 13, in the board room of the district office.
A special meeting is scheduled at 8 a.m., Thursday, June 23, in the board room of the district office.
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