Post Rock Extension District Wheat Tour has 4 stops

The ‘in-person’ 2022 Post Rock Extension District Wheat Plot Tourswill be Thursday, May 26, and includes more than 25 varieties in each of the wheat plots with four stops, according to Sandra Wick, Post Rock District Crop Production Agent. The wheat tour day will have an ‘eastern’ and ‘western’ leg of the tours starting at 10 a.m. in Smith County. The Jewell County tour starts at 10:30 a.m. There will be two sites for lunch at noon. In Jewell at the city lake shelter house sponsored by Central National Bank and at the Solomon Rapids Seed Plant west of Osborne on Highway 24 sponsored by Midway Co-op, Inc., and Solomon Rapids Seed.

The Osborne County wheat plot tour will begin following lunch at 1:30 p.m. The last stop will be the Mitchell County plot starting at 4:30 p.m. south of Beloit. Variety trials along with the wheat condition throughout the growing season, will be discussed at each of the plot stops along with additional fertility, fungicide and seeding rate studies at the Mitchell County location.

The Jewell County wheat plot, with Bohnert Seed Farm (Calvin and Josh) as cooperators, is located N. of Jewell, on Highway 14 to K Road, then 3 miles west on the north side. The ‘eastern’ leg will begin at 10:30 a.m. with Lucas Haag, agronomist and Scott Dooley, experiment field agronomist.

The Smith County Wheat Plot, with cooperator Mark Kuhlmann, is located south of Trinity Ag (Athol) on the west side of the road with the tour starting at 10 a.m. The “western” tour will then continue to Osborne County starting with lunch as Solomon Rapids Seed Plant at noon with the plot tour following, beginning at 1:30 p.m., with cooperator Kelsey Remus, located off of Highway 24, then S on “Sale Barn Road” or 115th Ave., on the west side. The “western” leg will include Romulo Lollato, wheat and forage specialist, and Kelsey Anderson Onefro, plant pathologist.

The day will end with a stop in Mitchell County at the KSU replicated wheat plot with cooperator Marty Fletchall. It is located S. of Beloit on Highway 14 to X Road, the 4.5 miles west on north side of road.

The evening plot discussion will begin at 4:30 p.m. followed by supper at approximately 5:45 p.m., featuring K-State Research and Extension agronomists mentioned previously to answer questions. Supper will be held at the Fletchall house close to the plot following the tour.

The complementary meal is provided by local agri-business sponsors. The tours provide the opportunity to visit one-on-one with KSU agronomists. Producers are invited to make their own observations at any of the stops that fit their schedule. Variety signs will be up in the plots soon, so check them out prior to the plot tour.

Wick encourages producers to check out the plots nearest their operation then bring a neighbor for the presentations along with lunch or dinner at any of the plots. For further information go to the Post Rock Extension District Website, http://www.postrock.ksu. edu, under “events” or contact any Post Rock Extension District office.


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