Remembering Life in Superior
In addition to digging the dandelions out of the lawn at my parents’ home in Superior, there were other invaders to contend with. As I was digging the dandelions, I was also dealing with them.
Another unwelcome visitor was bindweed. Bindweed had long tendrils and it was sometimes hard to find where the plant came out of the ground because the tendrils spread out so far. Unlike dandelions, however, the bindweed did not have a deep root system and could be pulled out rather than dug out.
A third variety of unwanted growth was pigweed. I suspect it go its name because its tendrils were smooth and pink in color. The pigweed did not have a particularly deep root system and could be pulled out of the ground easily.
We also had clover in spots and we didn’t make a particular effort to control it. A nice diversion when a clover patch was found was the search for a four-leaf clover and I did find one!
Today I am told that there is a herbicide that can be applied to lawns to eliminate clover, but who would want to do that – only a lawn purists.
Over the course of many summer days I filled many a bucket with these weeds. The hard work required to do so will forever be a part of remembering life in Superior.
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