Ask a Pastor Column

Presenting biblical answers to tough questions

Q: Where was Jesus during the time between his death and resurrection?

A:  If this is a question about Jesus’ body between his death and resurrection, then it will be easy to answer. However, the question of what happened to Christ’s Spirit after He died is an extremely complex question that remains unresolved even to this day. We will briefly discuss both issues here.

Physically, Christ’s body was removed from the cross late Friday evening by Joseph of Arimathea (Luke 23:50-52). He placed Jesus’ body in his own family tomb (Mark 15:46) because it was nearby and they had to work fast to be finished before the official beginning of the Sabbath at sundown (John 19:42). The tomb was placed under guard on Saturday (Matthew 27:62-66), and the guards remained until Sunday morning, when Jesus was raised from the dead and revealed to His disciples. It is wonderful how careful and detailed the gospel writers were; their four accounts are consistent, mutually supportive and noncontradictory.

Information regarding Christ’s spirit during the same period is much less clear and detailed. The only passage I know of that might possibly bear on this question is I Peter 3:18-20. This passage tells us that Christ “went and preached to the spirits in prison who formerly were disobedient in the days of Noah.” What Christ preached, why He preached to these spirits specifically, and whether the spirits were human or angelic are all questions that have no biblical answer, as far as I know. Different biblical scholars have different perspectives, but since there is so little information to go on, we probably won’t have a certain answer this side of heaven.

When I come across questions that are not answered by Scripture, I find it helpful to remember verses such as II Timothy 3:16 and II Peter 1:3. These verses remind us that all truths necessary for our life, well-being, and blessedness are provided to us by God and in Scripture. Truths that are not clearly taught in the Bible must not be necessary for us to know. We must wait patiently to find out the rest when we get to Heaven (I Corinthinans 13:12)!

The questions and answers compiled over the last year are now available in hard-copy and digital format. To request a copy send an email to askapastor [email protected] or by mail to Formoso Church; P.O. Box 66; Formoso Kan. 66942


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