Commissioners hear road concerns

The Jewell County Commissioners met on April 4. Commissioners Steve Greene, Brent Beck and Keith Roe were present. Carla J. Waugh, county clerk, was also present.

Shannon Meier, ambulance director, reviewed the billing and activity reports for March. After an executive session, the commissioners approved writing off $4,545.52 for the first quarter of 2022 as uncollectable.

Kevin Peroutek, emergency preparedness director, provided an update on the North Branch fire.

Gayla Flavin telephoned to express her concerns about the road department taking out 1/3 of the waterway while working on their road (Section 4 of Highland Township). They are not happy as this ruined the waterway. She also requested the county work on 50 Road in this area.

The commissioners passed Resolution 22-05 and Proclamation of Local Disaster Emergency for Jewell County for the fire March 29.

Cindy Becker, health administrator, discussed personnel and grant submission. She reported on information from the governor’s conference including that Kansas approved the second booster dose for COVID-19 vaccine. She said because of the grant renovation project, the health office was closed to the public for the week of April 11 for floor covering replacement. The projects of new improvements and the new sign are being paid by grant funds.

Gayla Flavin’s concerns and other road concerns were discussed with Joel Elkins, general superintendent. Elkins discussed the lease-purchase agreement for the reclaimer. He said he discussed with Alex Carabajal, county attorney, changing the distance of feet that is stated in Resolution 22-04, because of the right of way. He and the commissioners discussed the bridge by Mark Stokes’ property.

Brenda Eakins, county treasurer, discussed office operations.

Randy Hoffmeier, CPA for Lindburg Vogel Pierce Faris, Chartered, presented a letter stating they are required to provide information related to significant risks identified in planning the audit.

Commissioners approve the cereal malt beverage licenses for Aaron Coil DBA Lovewell Marina for consumption on the premises and for in original and unopened containers and not for consumption on the premises.


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