Country Roads

Where will Easter Sunday find you? I’ve heard that Easter is the one Sunday where the church pews are filled more than any other Sunday of the year. I grew up hunting for Easter Eggs on Saturday and going to church on Easter Sunday, as well as attending church almost every other Sunday, but Easter Sunday held special memories for me.

Mother went all out for her three daughters in seeing we had new Easter outfits. She would get out the J.C. Penney’s catalog to find us the perfect frilly dress with a big bow in the back. A little hat was ordered and also a pair of white gloves. Of course, we’d have to have new black or white patent leather shoes so to a local shoe store we’d go, either Halstead’s in Mankato, or the Brown’s store in Superior. Photos would be taken as we were dressed in our best. Then off to church we’d go.

Having two sons, I tried to carry on the Easter dress code tradition with them having a new shirt and dress slacks to wear to church. One year, though, I remember going all out in deciding I’d sew them each a suit. Now I never thought of myself as a seamstress but that year I was determined. I got out the sewing machine she had given me. After purchasing patterns and materials, I was off and running. That year, it was the era of the polyester suits that came in all colors. I had chosen a light green polyester material for the youngest, but for the eldest son, I went all out. I chose a red and white checkered material for the jacket and red colored material for the slacks. A miracle happened that Easter. The new suits were completed and worn by our sons to church. Photos were taken of them wearing those suits before we left home. Those photos of the boys wearing the wild looking suits have been viewed through the years and always bring lots of laughs.

What Easter memories are you making this year? There are the memorable family Easter dinners that will be enjoyed this week-end. Many Easter Egg Hunts will be attendeded in the area communities. Don’t forget the most important thing to do. Make sure you help fill those church pews this Easter Sunday.


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