The regular meeting of the Mankato City Council was called to order by Mayor Justin Schoonover on March 8. Councilmen present were: Sam Becker, John Tyler, Kevin Ost, George Hennion and Lyle Dauner. Also present were Darrell Miller, city attorney, and Sharon McCormick, interim city clerk.
Visitors present were: Sheriff Don Jacobs; city employees Matt Badger and Marvin McCormick; Don Koester - representing City Planning Commission; Trevor Elkins - Mahin Insurance; Amanda Horn - NCK Regional Planning Commission; Tiffany Hollerich - on behalf of the Mankato City Library; and Angela and Brian Murray - M&M Lawn Care.
Mayor Schoonover requested everyone join in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Sheriff Don Jacobs discussed Awareness Week. Discussion was had with Sheriff Jacobs concerning traffic through the hospital parking lot. Sheriff Jacobs was advised that the hospital was going to install “No-Thru Traffic” signs and would be requesting enforcement.
The council was advised that a request was made by Jenny Russell to approve the release of the hay lease rental payments, and the revolving loan funds administrative payments to Jewell County Development. The request was approved.
Don Koester requested the council approve the minor amendment to the building permit for 302 N. Commercial. After discussion, the ammended building permit was approved.
The bill of sale drafted by the city attorney for transfer of the ownership of the Fairbanks-Morse gasoline engine to the Jewell County Historical Society was reviewed. The bill of sale was approved to be signed.
Tiffany Holleric, on behalf of the Mankato City Library, requested the library funds on hand at The State Exchange Bank be transferred to the city’s account under the City’s EIN. The transfer was approved.
Trevor Elkins, Mayhin Insurance, reviewed the city’s insurance coverage and the increase in premium, which resulted from the hail storm. Discussion was had concerning damage to the roof at the fire station. The council approved to renew the city’s insurance coverage with EMC Insurance through the Mahin Insurance Agency.
Amanda Horn, North Central Regional Planing Commission, discussed the water line replacement project. She requested the council consider going forward with phase 2 of the water line project. After discussion, the motion to proceed with phase 2 of the water line project and for the proper officers to sign the necessary documents was passed. It was also agreed the issue of loans for street repair would be discussed further at the April 5 council meeting.
Marvin McCormick advised the council that part-time employee, Buck Luedke, planned to attend lineman school, and wished to return to work for the city after completion of this school. McCormick requested the city consider assisting Luedke with the cost of school and advised the council other cities had approved this type of assistance. He agreed to gather more information and present the information to the council at the April 5 meeting.
Matthew Badger discussed the need for repainting a portion of the swimming pool, and the continued water loss of the pool while the pool was in operation. Efforts will be made to locate the source of the water loss and make necessary repairs. The painting issue will be resolved prior to the pool opening.
Badger said the city’s meter reader had required repair and had been shipped to the vendor. After the meter reader was returned, it was determined the meter reader still did not work. Badger advised that he had been able to borrow a meter reader from the City of Downs and requested the council consider purchasing a new MRX meter reader. The council approved the purchase.
The council discussed lawn care with Brian and Angela Murray and approved a 3 year contract with M&M Lawn Care at the same prices of the previous contract.
A discussion was held by ZOOM with a representative of Jayhawk concerning issues with training and the availability of software to perform the functions needed by the City. Following the discussion, the council approved to continue with Jayhawk for an additional month and to delay the G-Works proposal.
Council approved the installation of gas lines by Mankato Plumbing for the generator.
Sharon McCormick, city clerk , presented the delinquent utility accounts and called the council’s attention to the improvements in the status of the delinquent accounts. She informed the council of the payment of the delinquent 2020 and 2021 taxes owed to the IRS and she informed the council she believed the matter was resolved.
She informed the council of issues regarding the renting of the Community Center and the use of the kitchen. The council approved to continue to allow access to the kitchen subject only to the few exceptions of items not to be used.
McCormick presented the proposal from Lockit for internet security and emails. The council approved to accept the proposal from Lockit.
Discussion was had regarding the need to hire a pool manager and lifeguards for the 2022 season. Advertising was approved.
Discussion was had concerning the necessity of hiring help to clean city hall and the community center. It was approved to advertise the positions.
Council approved to renew the policy of insurance with BC-BS for the city employees.
City Clerk McCormick informed the council Prairieland Electric had failed to bill the city for the 2019 to the present, for tax payments due to Prairieland. Prairieland had offered to allow the city to pay the delinquent accounts in monthly payments. The council approved to pay the taxes monthly, as proposed by Prairieland.
Discussion was had concerning the hourly wage of part-time employee, Buck Luedke. The council approved to increase Buck Luedke’s hourly wage to $12 per hour.
After an executive session, the council directed the revolving loan to KP Truck Wash be turned over for collection.
The council approved the trash collecting privileges of Chief Disposal be terminated until such time as Chief Disposal pay the fees due to the city and provide proof of insurance.
The council approved filing the mortgage release on the Jewell Grocery and allow the owner to deed the building to the city of Jewell.
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