Love my crazy life


The past two weeks have been rough. It all started two weeks ago today when George woke feeling crummy. After a visit to the doc and some tests, it turned out he had COVID again. Thankfully, Jacob had been busy with Jacob things, and neither of us had been around him since the Friday before. So I told Jacob to stay away from the two of us. Jacob and I communicated by phone from across the hall when he was home in the evening, but for the most part, he would stay with friends until bedtime. I feel like I don’t see enough of that child regularly, and that feeling only worsened over the last couple of weeks.

In an attempt not to get sick, I moved into our youngest boys’ room, which is empty the majority of the time since they live with their mom. I thought this would be nice having a bed all to myself. I was wrong! The first night I slept in Jack’s full-size bed was not fun. It is hard as a rock. It felt like I had slept on the gym floor of the Oak schoolhouse. So the next night, I slept in Nick’s twin bed. After all, it is a pillow top, so it should have been a bit better. Nope. I tossed and turned and kept smacking my elbow or knee on the wall.

I had closed George off in the parlor during his waking hours, but our TV is in the parlor with the sick hubby, so if I wanted to watch the television, I had to do so in the boys’ room. Their television is sitting on the floor because we haven’t mounted it on the wall yet, and a giant bean bag is the only furniture besides the two uncomfortable beds! I think a trip or five to the chiropractor is in order once I’ve made it back to the land of the living.

I’m not often sick, sickly, yes, but so sick that I can’t take care of my responsibilities, no. I fought a good fight, though. The first three days of George’s illness I was cleaning and disinfecting. My allergies were giving me fits, but I kept telling myself it was just my normal, everyday sicky. Wednesday afternoon was when I knew for sure I had lost the fight.

This would be the third time I can say for certain that I have had the dreaded woo-flu. Many of the symptoms have been different each time except for two. I have had sinus problems my entire adult life, and each time I had this virus, it has felt like the worst case of hay fever ever. I usually get bi-annual sinus infections, so each time, that was what I thought this was. The other symptom that gives it away for me is extreme dehydration. Now I spend the majority of my life dehydrated because I don’t drink enough water; I’d rather have a cup of coffee. So you can see how telling the difference between my normal sick, and I’m actually sick can be a bit of a bugger.

I spent the majority of last weekend in bed, and I think I was awake for maybe 10 hours out of four days. A week ago Monday, I managed a good six hours before crashing again. Everyone I know who has had COVID recently has complained of being all loosey goosy in the bowel department, not me! I got the pleasure of being all stopped up! I took my first ever laxative, and I’ll tell ya what, that’s not an experience I ever want to repeat.

Here we are two weeks later, and I’m still not back to myself. My head is all stuffed up, and I still have a headache. I could probably sleep for another week, I can’t get enough water, and I feel empty inside, probably from the laxative, LOL! At least I’m well enough to make light of it. I hope each of you reading this got a chuckle out of it, because life is to short to take to seriously. X’s & O’s.


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