Joint sessions held at American Legion Post 187

Legion News from Post 187

The American Legion Family met for joint and individual sessions on Feb. 10, at the Legion Clubhouse meeting room in Nelson.

Business items included the Call to District 10 Convention to be held on Feb. 26 in Edgar. Required Constitution and By-Law changes approved by the national and state departments were set out with local changes to be completed in 2022. Boys and Girls State and Junior Law candidates were discussed, as these programs will be in person this year. The names of possible candidates were brought forth. Gifts bearing the Army insignia were given to the Army veterans in attendance.

Mid-Year Conference reports were given by Chuck and DeAnna Tuttle to both the legion and auxiliary members. The auxiliary also discussed items to be put in the time capsule which will be taken to the District 10 convention and later to the state convention. The capsule will then be returned to the unit to be kept in the archives.

Following a short intermission, the groups came together for snacks and fellowship.


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