
Have you noticed . . . things don’t always turn out the way you hope?

About a year or so ago, my trusty, old, $12.98 Timex watch quit. Just didn’t want to run any more. So I went looking for another. This time I had to pay a little more ($24.98), but I attributed the increase cost to inflation.

Little did I know that included in the package of the watch was a nice shinny money clip.

Now, I don’t ever remember having a money clip before, so I thought this was great. I always thought people using a money clip were cool, so I started to use it.

I felt rich . . . until . . .

Several times I made purchases close together and wanted to use cash rather than a credit card. I learned quickly that a money clip full of one dollar bills is soon empty. I felt sort of silly carrying around an empty money clip. I really don’t know why those one dollar bills were not ten’s or twenty’s.

Anyway . . . another example of things not turning out the way a person hopes for. I’m going to figure out how to make those one dollar bills turn into something a little bit larger.

Money clips are not all their built up to be.


“World Marriage Day.”

I don’t know if last Sunday’s observance of World Marriage Day is primarily a “Catholic” thing, or if others also take the time to consider the blessings of weddings.

We’ve all heard of many of the negatives some people blame on marriage. You know men or women unhappy with their state in life . . . children torn between one parent or another . . . legal battles over everything from the family dog to children to money.

Some Liberals contend marriages should be considered null and void, a useless hindrance in this day and age. There are plenty of examples to support that consideration.

However, I’ve been reading more and more that, in general, most people really do support marriage.

A couple of items:

Seems that too many people confuse the wedding event itself as the most important thing. And watching and reading about the weddings in some places, I find support for that contention. However, I think that most people really do understand that the wedding ceremony and wedding day is just that. It is the beginning of a marriage, not the definition of that marriage.

I was recently in a neighboring town for an evening meal on the way home and in walked a group of people, one woman of which wore a ‘wedding gown.’ I assumed a guy with her (well groomed) was this woman’s husband.

I have no idea of what was happening, but thought if it was really a bridal party and this was their celebration, it was sure different. I didn’t think it was bad, just different.

If it was a bridal party, they must have decided they didn’t have to spend all that money on renting a hall, decorations, meals, etc.

I hope every wedding event results in a happy and long lasting marriage. Those weddings are just the beginning and hopefully whatever happens there just contributes to a happy and long lasting marriage.

Quite a number of ‘Social Scientists’ are coming around to think divorce and the ending of a marriage has been over-exaggerated.

In the current culture. Yes, there have been many divorces in today’s culture, but many, if not most people hold marriages in high esteem.

Now, as most of you know most marriages are often followed by children. And, as most of you also know children are children and require special attention and care.

One of my favorite stories about children involves my mother.

Seems many years ago during a holiday gathering at home. A lot of my nieces and nephews were there and they outnumbered the adults. After a day or so, someone was exasperated while caring for the children and made the comment to my mother: ‘there’s just too many children here . . .”.

My mother didn’t hesitate and replied: “O, I’m not sure of that, it seems that maybe there are too few adults around . . .”


For almost two years we’ve heard the national media sing the praises of those in public life who wanted to “defund” the police in many of our major cities. Much of this came from the Liberal politicians and the media who seems to support them. Many of them placed themselves in the Democratic Party.

I’m sure you noticed how the crime has increased in most of the major cities that actually did try to cut down its police force.

Did you notice over the weekend that one of the leaders of the Democratic Party, Nancy Pelosi, said: “defund the police” is not the position of the Democratic Party?”

That’s good to know, only it would have been much better if the Democratic Party would not have claimed that defunding the police was a great idea to start with.

I read about some of the changes that group proposed and a couple were not all bad. However, you cannot make defunding the police your first call and not change your mind until the city seems to be falling around you.

I wonder if our president understands the change in the Democratic Party’s policy ? ? ?

You know, it is too bad we, as a society, need and have to pay for such a large police force. Pope Pius XII was about 65 years ahead of his time when in 1957 or 1958 he was quoted as saying: “The sin of the century is the loss of the sense of sin.”


Hope you all had a Happy Valentine’s Day.



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