Keenagers kick off 2022

January 2022 Keenagers

On Jan. 20, a cold Thursday, 20 Keenagers and four workers were in attendance at the chicken noodle-chili soup dinner. Barbara Janda and “Coke” Troudt were the helpers. Birthday people for January were Nancy Ostdiek, Rita Mazour, Marian Hoelting and Larry Faimon. 

Door prize winners were Mary Ann Mazour, kleenex; Allen Ostdiek, toilet paper; Connie Reiman, can of soup;

Betty Himmelberg, a word search book.

Bingo winners were high, Ray Rischling and low, Mary Ann Mazour.

Card winners were high, John Himmelberg and low, Mary Faimon.

The group’s next gathering will be Thursday, Feb. 17. Marilyn and Cindy will be serving sausage gravy and biscuits with fruit cups. Attendees do not need to bring anything.

If tired of winter weather, eating alone, need some fellowship, good food or fun afternoon---- maybe you should tryout the Keenagers. Hope to see you on Feb. 17.


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