Ask a Pastor Column

Presenting Biblical answers to tough questions

Q: Does God ever exercise judgment on Christians, or does his grace mean that we can live however we want to?

A:  The grace of God means a great deal for Christians: forgiveness of sins, cleansing of impurity and a whole range of new blessings for life (Ephesians 1:3-14). God goes from being our judge to becoming our Father. This change in relationship means we no longer need to fear the eternal penalties for sin (John 10:28); we are forgiven in Christ (Colossians 2:13) and will not come into judgement (John 5:24).

However, it is not God’s intention to let us dive back into that sewer or leave us to do as we please. Again; God has become our Father, and misbehavior will bring chastening from Him (Hebrews 12:5-6). Take it from me, a heavenly spanking is not a pleasant experience.

This heavenly correction can take various forms, including an intensely guilty conscience (Psalm 32:3-5), physical sickness (I Corinthians 11:30-32), loss of blessings and privileges (Revelation 2:5), and premature removal from the earth (Acts 5:1-5; 1 Corinthians 11:30). His parental punishment typically fits the crime and tends to place the Finger of God painfully and precisely upon the area of our lives He finds displeasing.

This doesn’t mean we can judge others’ suffering as evidence of God’s displeasure. Bad things happen for a variety of reasons; not always because of a person’s sin. Instead, we must each examine our own hearts to determine whether our suffering is merited or not. For myself, I typically know good and well when I’ve done something that God is not pleased with, and I don’t have too much trouble knowing when I’m the recipient of His displeasure.

Now this may be daunting for many of us (and it should be), but we must remember that chastening for sin is another Christian privilege and a proof of our salvation (Hebrews 12:7-11) God only chastens His children, so if we find ourselves with a sensitive conscience and an inability to get away with sin, this shows us our salvation is genuine and God is protecting His beloved child from choices He knows are harmful.

If you have a question that you would like a Biblical answer to, you can send it via email to [email protected] or by mail to Formoso Church; P.O. Box 66; Formoso, Kan. 66942


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