JCCDA to host a training for community leaders

Jewell County Community Development is hosting a training for new council, commissioner and board members from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., Feb. 23, at the Jewell Community Center. Current members with seniority ranking are also encouraged to attend.

Topics that will be covered are economic development including: board strategies for 2022, Kansas Department of Commerce programs, initiatives from North Central Kansas Regional Planning, Revolving Loan Fund, and USDA Rural Development Programs. The training will also cover grant funding including: resources on local foundation information, deadlines, project examples, tips for applying and Dane G. Hansen Foundation programs.

This training will be valuable for city councils, county commissioners, school board members, local government staff, department heads, non-profit board members. Questions are encouraged, however please refrain from direct discussion between council or commission members to avoid potential Kansas Open Meetings Act violations.

A light supper will be provided and a Zoom option will be available for those who would prefer to attend virtually. If you would like to attend, please RSVP to [email protected] by Feb. 21.


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