Commissioners okay purchase of 2022 Ford Interceptor SUV

The Jewell County Commissioners met Jan. 18, with commissioners Steve Greene, Brent Beck and Keith Roe in attendance. Carla J. Waugh, county clerk, was present for the meeting.

The commissioners discussed a 2 percent increase for all hourly employees effective May or June 2022. They will review the financial ramifications.

Joel Elkins, general superintendent, discussed bridge and road maintenance projects. Commissioners and Elkins discussed plans for the overlay on the four miles of Y Road east of Highway 14.

Don Jacobs, sheriff, discussed personnel attending training. He said the 2021 Dodge Durango that was approved for purchase was already sold. He had vehicle pricing other vehicles.

Because of the unavailability of the approved purchase of the 2021 Dodge Durango, commissioners allowed the sheriff to purchase a 2022 Ford Interceptor SUV for $36,970.00 from Burtis Motor.


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