Country Roads

Where is the snow we had years ago? It seems when we do get snow, it is described as being a “dusting” of snow. I remember as a young child having it snow for days. Finally when it quit, my sister and I would run outside in our snowsuits, gloves, and snow boots to make our snow creations of forts, snow angels, and the ever creative snowmen and his family. The drifts were so high the country roads were blocked for at least a couple of days. That meant no school.

When the Oak Creek School doors opened again, there was lots of snow on the ground so recess consisted of making a Fox and Geese field, making more snowmen, and of course, there were forts for some great snowball wars.

I’m certain my farmer dad, his brothers and granddad, didn’t have such happy feelings about those heavy snows as the livestock still had to be checked and fed. Tractors were about the only way they could get around to do the livestock chores.

One memorable snow storm occurred when our first son was a baby. We came home to visit my parents. It snowed all night with strong blowing winds. When we woke the next morning, we could not see our car which was left parked in their driveway. It was completely covered with snow. Since my husband had to be back at school the next day, he and my father worked most of the day scooping and throwing snow uncovering the car and clearing a pathway to the road.

The heavy snow when melted would fill the ponds and add moisture to the fields and grass. The heavier the snow, the more it would lay on the planted fields providing not only moisture but protection from the cold.


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