Delta Kappa Gamma met Jan. 8

The Alpha Zeta Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma met Saturday, Jan. 8, at Salem Lutheran Church north of Superior.

The 9:30 a.m.,. meeting began with a brunch served by hostesses Carol Warneking, Teresa Christensen, Julie Kriesel and Kathy Degenhardt.

Following the brunch, a business meeting was held with Joyce Kroll, co-president, presiding. Roll call was answered with the response to the question “How far do you live from where you grew up?” Service project ideas were discussed and selected. Up-coming events were announced. The Alpha Zeta basket for the state convention will be assembled by Teresa Christensen. The Minute for Membership entitled The Power of Music in Delta Kappa Gamma was shared by Joan Unruh.

The program for the meeting was presented by Ruth Epley. The title of her presentation was “What to do or not do in 2022!” She shared various situations that could arise and how the situation should be handled. The situations were dealt with by member participation-competition in making choices of response to each situation. The exercise was fun, but also informative as the correct answers for dealing with each situation were given by Ruth.

The hostess basket was won by Susan Miller.

The next meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 10, in Hebron. The location is to be announced later.


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