USD 107 accepts KDHE COVID Testing Grant

The Board of Education for USD No. 107 met Monday. Those present were Kenny Mizner, Brenden Wirth, Marc Grout, Brandon Hollerich, Justin Angleton, Wayne Frost, Rex Boley, Sam Meyers, Cassi Bozarth and Janet Higer.

The first item on the agenda was election of officers. Kenny Mizner was elected president and Marc Grout, vice president.

Mr. Boley extended an invitation from Jacob Barry, to attend the dedication of the Gaga Pit at the Rock Hills Elementary School, at 2 p.m., on Sunday, Jan. 16. The Gaga Pit was Jacob's Eagle Scout project.

Janet Higer, board clerk, gave her report. She said all tax forms would be electronically transmitted in January.

Sam Meyers gave the 6-12 principal's report. He said he would attend an in-service on Perkins funding, Certifications and Pathways assessments. He, Mrs. Langer and Mr. Ost would tour Washington Technical College and Manhattan Technical College. The spelling bee would be held Wednesday, Feb. 2 in the Little Theater for students who qualified in grades 4 through 8.

Mrs. Bozarth gave the Pre-K-5 principal's report. She told of the Cosmosphere presentations on rockets and launching rockets at multiple grade levels. She attended the special education co-op principals' meeting. She reported on the Jan. 3 in-service with teachers.

In his superintendent's report, Mr. Boley told about reestablishing the district site council. He said the district was emailing an Esser III Google Form Survey to parents, students and staff.

He and Mrs. Bozarth are looking into cost, supplies and educational material for the Elementary STEM program. An estimate for the first two years is $20,000.

Wind damage was reported to the sign on top of the scoreboard as well as roof flashing at the elementary school.

The district has been approved for the KDHE COVID Testing Grant.

A meeting is planned with the HTK Architects for Wednesday, Jan. 19.

It was approved to advertise for an elementary STEM teacher.

Carla Ost and Cindy Becker from the Jewell County Health Department addressed the board concerning new protocols from CDC (Center for Disease Control) and the KDHE (Kansas Department of Health and Environment). Ms. Ost reported that the CDC guidelines are ever changing. They were asking for feedback and recommendations from the board. The board approved to accept the KDHE COVID Testing Grant.

The board approved Mr. Boley taking more than 5 consecutive days of vacation from March 11 to 18.

The next regular meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m., Monday, Feb. 14, in the district office.


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