As tornado roars by tourist from Superior takes cover in bathtub

Earlier this year Jan Miller, a Superior resident and retired school teacher, completed one item on her bucket list when she went sky diving. This week Jan reports she is going to stick with jumping out of planes and in the future will avoid playing hide and seek with tornadoes. She returned to Superior early this week after joining a Mystery Tour to Bowling Green, Kentucky.

Only hours before what appears to have been the longest tornado in United States history, Jan and her group had visited some of the hard hit places.

At the time of the tornado, she was staying in a hotel less than a mile from the destruction zone. Storm alerts went off at 1 a.m. and the hotel was soon without power. She gathered what important personal belongings she could and sat in the hotel bathtub.

To make the trip even more memorable, a travelling companion seated next to her, apparently contracted the

intestinal flu.

As if this wasn’t enough, the original pick up plan wasn’t executed as expected.


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