Country Roads

For some reason I had a hard time getting into the Christmas spirit this year. Maybe it was because of the unusual warmer temperatures, as the temperatures lately have climbed into the 50s, 60s and even into the 70s. There was also going to be the lack of some of the family’s presence during the holidays that usually comes, and of course there is the COVID virus still making the rounds and it doesn’t seem to give up. Shopping for presents is getting harder for me to do, as those all-day shopping trips I took years back tire me out more than they used to. What used to excite me about getting out all the boxes and bags of Christmas decorations, now gives me a Grinch feeling, thinking of all the labor and planning of placing those decorations around my house. I noticed some of the items I purchased earlier for presents and thought of wrapping all them while Christmas music played in the background as in the past. Now it didn’t seem as important to me as it used to. Usually I consider this time of the year, as a Christmas song is titled, “The Must Wonderful Time of The Year.” What was wrong with me?

Then over the weekend that Christmas Spirit seemed to reappear. Friday night, my farmer husband and I attended the Rock Hills All-School Play, “The Christmas Carol.” As each of the characters came on stage, they brought excitement and enthusiasm to their parts. Though I had seen “The Christmas Carol” many times in movies and on television, this adaptation had some comedy added to it and it pleased the audiance. Carolers came in between the scene changes singing the good ole Christmas Carols. For one carol they had the audience join in with the singing. As the play progressed and Scrooge was taught his life’s lessons from the three ghosts and from his late business partner, he realized the most important things were not money and self. but loving and caring for people. As the cast took the last curtain call, the director came on stage to share her feelings about working with the cast members and at the same time the cast revealed how wonderful they felt about the director.

Saturday, my farmer husband and I made a trip into town and had lunch with a couple of family members and enjoyed our visit. One of the family members was recovering from being very ill after surgery and a long hospital stay. It made us thankful to see that person up and socializing once again. Next stop was to visit another family member we hadn’t seen for a long time. We updated each other on our immediate family members and our holiday plans.

Then that evening we went to supper with my farmer husband’s brother and his wife, who we don’t get to see often even though we don’t live that far apart. Once again we were able to get caught up on their children and grandchildren’s happenings. They were also caught up on our family. We ended the evening saying we needed to get together more often and I sure hope we do. Memories were shared about past family Christmas gatherings and meals, and how important they were to the family.

Sunday it was a off to church where it was decorated for Christmas. During Sunday School, the children were busy practicing their parts in the upcoming Christmas program. Carols were sung during the worship service, the advent candles were lit, and one of my best friends and I sang a meaningful Christmas duet as the special. This all brought back great Christmas memories of attending services there with my parents and sisters, with my sons, and with my grandparents. All those meaningful Christmas Church Programs that were presented through the years gave me a warm feeling. After church we traveled to my hometown where people were gathered in the beautifully detailed decorated community center building. Lunch was shared along with visiting the hometown folks. Then Santa, Mrs. Claus, a smaller Santa Helper, and oh yes, the Grinch, arrived. Parents and their children formed a line to get a chance to visit with Santa, and put up with the Grinch who stood nearby. The smiles on the children’s faces were priceless. Treats were passed out and photos snapped. Little babies, up to older adults, all took turns sitting on Santa’s lap. Horses pulling a wagon provided rides around the streets of town, and a lawn mower pulled a barrel train proving rides around the community center grounds. A wonderful time was had by all attending.

It was the weekend’s events that helped make me fill with the Christmas Spirit. Gift wrapping in being done, a Christmas newsletter is finished and soon will be sent out, the last of my Christmas decorations have been put into place, and plans are made to finish the Christmas shopping with a friend. I hope you all are feeling the Christmas Spirit as your preparations are being made.


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