Commissioners approve supplemental trust indenture

The Jewell County Commissioners met Nov. 22, with commissioners Brent Beck, Steve Greene and Keith Roe and Carla J. Waugh, county clerk, present for the meeting.

A resolution authorizing and approving a supplemental trust indenture by and among the county, the board of trustiees of Jewell County Hospital and Security Bank of Kansas City, Kansas, as trustee. The county authorized and approved the supplemental indenture, which extends the maturity of the Series 2018-A Bonds from Nov. 1, 2021, to Dec. 28, 2021.

The resolution was considered and discussed; and thereupon on motion of Commissioner Greene, seconded by Commissioner Beck, the resolution was adopted by the following roll call vote:

Aye: Roe, Greene and Beck.

Nay: None.

Thereupon, the resolution having been adopted by a majority vote of the members of the governing body, it was duly numbered Resolution No. 21-13, and was directed to be signed by the chairman and attested by the clerk.

Mark Stenson was appointed as Grant Township Trustee to fill the vacancy created by the death of Dorothy Sjolander.

Charlie Smies, representative of the Crossroads RC&D, discussed the RC&D Program. He said that they have been meeting again and requested support from Jewell County as they have had in the past.

Don Jacobs, sheriff, discussed the renewal agreement for the inmate phone service.

Joel Elkins, general superintendent, discussed equipment repairs, tube projects and road maintenance.


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