USD 107 Board adopts after school program

Kenny Mizner, president, called the regular meeting of the Board of Education for USD No. 107 to order Nov. 11. Those present were: Kenny Mizner (Zoom), Brenden Wirth (Zoom), Marc Grout (Zoom), Brandon Hollerich, Bobi Fogo, Lori Slate (Zoom), Rex Boley, Sam Meyers, Cassi Bozarth and Janet Higer. Guests were Wayne Frost and Libby Duffy.

The 6-12 principal’s report was given. Rock Hills students competed in the Math Relays Competition at Ft. Hays University. The school hosted the annual Veterans Day program on Nov. 11.

The school play “A Christmas Carol” will be performed on Saturday, Dec. 4 and Sunday, Dec. 5.

The Pre-K through fifth grade principal’s report was next. Parent- teacher conferences at the elementary school were held in October with 87 percent of all parents attending.

The District Crisis Team met to discuss the district crisis plan.

Charlene Beougher, Lakeside School District nurse, ran both hearing and vision screenings for all of Rock Hills students.

BLT met to discuss tracking at risk students, crisis plan, and starting to look at a master schedule for next year.

Kindergarten and 1st grade went on a field trip to the Assaria Pumpkin Patch.

Cosmosphere representatives came to the elementary school and discussed planets. The students made solar system bracelets.

The health department held a flu shot clinic. Twenty-six percent of the students were given the shot.

Michelle Morain attended a training on collaborative problem solving. The training will be used to implement PBIS. Morain and Mrs. Bozarth will be implementing plans with Tier 2 and Tier 3 behavior issues this school year.

Mr. Boley gave his superintendent report. He said Scott Gordan, KSDE lead attorney, recommends NCKC4 school districts (Rock Hills, Beloit, Osborne and Waconda) approve a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) which will officially form NCKC4. By-laws for NCKC4 are being drafted.

There were 35 patrons at the Community Facility Study meeting on October 27. There were 98 submissions of the Family and Patron Facility Study Survey. All facility study information including the recording of the community meeting can be found on the district website at

A deer hit one of the route Suburbans. Everyone was okay. The Suburban is being repaired. The district worked with the county health department so modified quarantine students can ride the bus to and from school.

The district has drafted a COVID testing plan using KDHE Testing Strategy 2. This testing plan must have parent consent before a student can be tested.

Libby Duffy gave a presentation of the 3-D printer that her class received.

Mr. Boley offered additional information relating to students being able to certify their skills at NCK Tech.

Mr. Boley provided an updated memorandum of understanding for NCKC4. He recommended the board approve the new memorandum of understanding.

The board approved to enter into the memorandum of understanding between Unified School District numbers 107 Rock Hills, 272 Waconda, 273 Beloit, and 392 Osborne County schools, creating the North Central Kansas Consortium of Four (NCKC4) for the joint and common purpose of securing funds for each district’s technical education program and such other educational opportunities as deemed appropriate that benefits all participating districts to ensure students are college, career, and work-force ready. Marc Grout was appointed as the district’s board member representative for the consortium.

Mr. Boley reported that Mahanay Roofing had looked at the elementary school roof. They proposed a plan of general repairs that needed to be made that totaled less than $5,000. Mr. Boley authorized them to get the plan in place to do the work.

Mr. Boley told the board the results of the soil sample were back; however he does not want to do mitigation until a decision is made about using the old high school in the future.

Mrs. Bozarth talked to the board about an after school program for elementary students. The program would be open to students who were recommended by their teachers. It would help students catch up after all of the quarantines. The program would be on Tuesday and Thursday from 3:45 to 5 p.m. This would be open for all elementary teachers to apply and the rate of pay would be $25 per hour. Mr. Boley informed the board the district would be able to pay for the after school program out of ESSER III funds. The board approved to adopt the after school program as presented.

Mr. Boley addressed the board regarding KDHE testing at the schools. He said at this time the health department is not interested in taking this on. He explained the process the district would have to take in order to be an on-site testing facility. He said the district would need to look at hiring a school nurse and a data clerk. He is working on a grant for the district to receive funds to cover the implementation of this program as well as the staffing costs. He talked to the board about some possible rooms that would work for testing at both schools. He also told the board the district would need to apply to be a testing site, which would have a cost associated with it. The grant would cover the supplies and test kits. Findings would be reported through the KDHE Portal. Parents would have to give consent to allow their students to be tested. Mr. Boley also reviewed with the board renovations-modifications that would have to be made to implement this program. His goal is to have these things implemented by the beginning of next semester. He requested the board approve moving forward with applying to be a test site, construction to get the rooms ready, fill out the grant application and advertise for a nurse and data clerk. The board approved the recommendations.

Boley talked to the board about adding 2 to 3 days to the negotiated agreement for professional development and the 2020-2023 school district calendar.

The ball game that was originally scheduled for Monday, Jan. 3, has been rescheduled to a later date.

The next regular board meeting is scheduled for 1 p.m., Monday, Dec. 13 in the district board room.


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