Commissioners approve proclamations

The Jewell County Commissioners met Oct. 4, with commissioners Brent Beck, Steve Greene and Keith Roe present. Carla J. Waugh, county clerk was also present for the meeting.

Motions to approve the Proclamation for October 2021 as Down Syndrome Awareness Month and the Proclamation for October 2021 as Domestic Violence Awareness Month passed unanimously.

The commissioners and Cindy Becker went into executive session for 15 minutes beginning at 8:55 a.m. to discuss non-elected personnel. Regular session resumed at 9:10 a.m. with no action taken.

Chris Petet, custodian, said the snowblower maintenance is completed and it is ready to go.

Nancy Marihugh, health administrator, reported 34 new COVID-19 cases in one week, with four currently in hospital. They had additional COVID-19 cases.

Larry Sharp, KCAMP representative, reviewed the Risk Management Services Utilization for Jewell County.


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