Commissioners approve BCBS health insurance renewal for 2021

The Jewell County commissioners met Oct. 18, 2021 with commissioners Brent Beck, Steve Greene and Keith Roe, and Carla J. Waugh, county clerk present for the meeting.

Nancy Marihugh, health administrator, said that Jewell County had 23 COVID-19 cases for the week. She said Jewell County was one of the only counties allowing individuals to test out early to go to back with modified quarantine. She reported the Jeep is having issues again. She discussed the flu shot clinics. Marihugh said the Moderna booster shots are scheduled for CDC approval by the first of November.

Chris Petet, custodian, said Glassman Corporation was here to get the boilers ready for operation.

Steve Greene discussed Pawnee Mental Health Services.

Shannon Meier, ambulance director, discussed replacing the concrete floor in the current bay.

Joel Elkins, general superintendent, provided an update on road and bridge maintenance.

Jeremy McGuire, BCBS of KS representative, reviewed the health insurance renewal with a 3.06 percent increase on the grandfathered plan.Commissioners approved the BCBS health insurance renewal for 2022.


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