Jewell County Commissioners meeting Sept. 20

The Jewell County Commissioners met Sept. 20, with commissioners, Brent Beck, Steve Greene and Keith Roe. Carla J. Waugh, county clerk, was present for the meeting.

Nancy Marihugh, health administrator, said she contacted the Smith County Health Department, and they are using a modified quarantine but currently have no COVID-19 cases associated with the school. Nancy reported Jewell County had 12 more positives the previous week. She said some of the new COVID-19 cases were positive on the 13 to 14th day of exposure.

Curt Slate, road supervisor, discussed road maintenance. The commissioners reported road concerns.

Don Jacobs, sheriff, came in to get permission to tow a vehicle off county property.

Sherry Koster, county sanitarian, reviewed the financial and progress reports for January to June 2021.


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