JC Commissioners hear different COVID-19 policies

The Jewell County commissioners met Sept, 13.

Natalie Frost, Crystal Cosand, Pamela Wirth and Brenden Wirth were present to discuss COVD-19 quarantine protocols. Pamela Wirth requested that Jewell County consider these changes to COVID-19 quarantine protocols: 1) If you are a close contact, you are required to wear a mask for 10 days but remain in school and participate in activities. 2) Still quarantine close contacts in the same household. The group stated some other county health departments were modifying quarantine protocols. They said it was important to keep the students in school.

Shannon Meier, ambulance director, reviewed the billing and activity report for August. He provided an update on the building construction. Shannon said they received the new ambulance.

Carla J. Waugh, county clerk, had the two cereal malt beverage licenses for Billy R. Foster D.B.A. The Shed B&G LLC for the commissioners’ approval. Both were approved, one for consumption on the premises and one for in original and unopened containers and not for consumption on the premises.

Commissioners discussed the bids for a sprinkler system and seeding new lawn for the courthouse. They accepted B Green’s bid for the sprinkler system and seeding new lawn.

The commissioners telephoned Rex Boley, USD 107 superintendent, to discuss COVID-19 policy. Mr. Boley joined the meeting. He explained the current COVID-19 policy is posted on the website. He answered the commissioners questions. Nancy Marihugh, health administrator, said it was up to the school board to make a plan and get it approved by the state. She said the school board can still implement a plan. Marihugh telephoned Mitchell County Health Department. They said they have a modified quarantine for school exposure which only allowed to and from school, sit six feet apart, no band, no music and no sports. If it is an outside exposure, the student is not allowed to go to school at all. Republic County has “test to learn and stay and play” plan.

The commissioners received a letter from David Harper, director of property valuation, stating the Jewell County Appraiser met the criteria and is determined to be in substantial compliance.

Joel Elkins, general superintendent, discussed personnel. The commissioners reported road concerns.


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