Country Roads

It’s getting to the end of the camping season and that saddens me. I know not everyone feels the same as I do about time at the lakes with a camper trailer. Years ago, when our sons were young, my husband and I thought we needed to get away from the farming duties and our outside jobs for a day or two. Quality time with our boys was important to us. We came up with the idea of purchasing a camper trailer and going to some place for time together. With the closest lake only a few miles away from our farm, we knew chores could still be done if needed. On a limited budget we began shopping for a camper trailer. Our first one was a small aluminum bumper trailer that parents of friends of ours wanted to get rid of, and the price was right. As the boys grew older, we knew we needed a larger camper trailer. Three years later, my grandparents sold their bumper pull camping trailer. We went to the place where they had sold it and purchased it for $2,500. At that time this was a little steep for us but we knew the trailer had been well taken care of and it suited our family.

We thought that 18’ trailer was wonderful with it’s lime green interior, a full-size bed, and a pull-down bed for one of the boys, and a table that made into a bed for the other boy. We enjoyed our times at the lake, camping with friends, fishing, swimming, and of course, the evening campfire times. There were no cell phones then so we weren’t bothered with phone calls and there was no television hook ups in the trailer. All in all, it was just fun family time together.

Now my husband and I continue on with the camping fun, but it’s a little more modernized which can sometimes make it more complicated. Now there is a 34 foot fifth wheel trailer complete with a bedroom and bathroom, a television set and a dining room set. The living room includes two recliner chairs, and many other neat features. We camp now mostly between the two local lakes and are often joined by friends and family making for a great time of visiting, relaxing and, of course, eating.

When we were camping with our sons, I wrote this poem: Camping Near A Kansas Lake

It’s so relaxing camping at the lake

The guys are pitching horse shoes at the metal stakes.

The wind it sings a melody as it blows through the trees.

Birds are chattering and the ground squirrels are a tease.

The animal shaped clouds are floating in the breeze,

and the fluffy cotton from the cottonwood trees is making me sneeze.

We start up the charcoals in the grill, and prepare all the mix’ns,

and soon our tummys are filled with juicy hamburgers and all the fix’ins.

The sun is sitting and the bright colors light the Kansas sky,

and friends come to visit, soon the kids are finally put to bed and they keep asking “why.”

The lights at night from the boats look like like thousands of glittering jewels.

The sounds of water lapping on the shore makes me feel so peaceful and cool.


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