Ask a Pastor Column

Presenting Biblical answers to tough questions

Q: How could a loving God command genocide? God told Israel to kill all of the Canaanites, men women and children!

Part One:  The first question I would have to ask this person is whether they are accusing God of injustice or inconsistency? In order to accuse God of injustice we would have to know more about justice than God does and be powerful enough to hold Him to our point of view. I don’t see that happening any time soon.

If our wish is to reconcile God’s love and goodness with his sterner commands in the Bible, then we must begin by remembering that the Biblical concepts of justice, love and virtue are all drawn fundamentally from the nature of God. God is love (1 John 4:8), and His character and actions establish the benchmark for justice and virtue (Psalm 33:4-5). Therefore, every act of God is both loving and just by definition, and we must adjust our perspective of these qualities to match God’s actions, instead of judging God’s actions by our imperfect understanding.

God’s Word informs us that we have ruined both God’s creation and our own nature (Romans 8:21-22). Even before we are born we are tainted by sin and deserving of judgment (Psalm 51:5). So then, God has never condemned an innocent to destruction because no one is innocent (Romans 3:10-12)!

I occasionally dabble in (very unskilled) wire art. Let’s say I was working on a piece of wire art when it became crushed and ruined. I decide not to throw the piece away and instead try to repair it. While doing so I decide one part of the project is too far gone, remove it, and start designing a piece to replace it. Do I not have every right to do so as the creator of the project? In the same way, God had determined the Canaanites had been wholly corrupted by sin and needed to be removed from the earth (Deuteronomy 9:4); He had every right to make that decision. I believe that as we learn true justice and love from God, we come to better understand and appreciate His willingness to make hard choices in order to save those who are still able to be saved.

If you have a question that you would like a Biblical answer to you can send it via email to [email protected] or by mail to Formoso Church; P.O. Box 66; Formoso, Kan. 66942


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