County department chairs reported to the JC commissioners

The Jewell County commissioners met Aug. 30. Commissioners Brent Beck, Steve Greene and Keith Roe were present. Carla J. Waugh, county clerk was present for the meeting.

The following were present for office head meeting: Amanda Davis, register of deeds; Nancy Marihugh, health administrator; Anna Porter, county appraiser; Alexandria Carabajal, county attorney; Kevin Peroutek, noxious weed director, emergency preparedness director and 911 coordinator; and Shannon Meier, ambulance director. Those absent; Nora Rhoades, Post Rock Extension District director; Travis Garst, solid waste director; Chris Petet, custodian; Don Jacobs, sheriff; Brenda Eakins, treasurer; and Joel Elkins, general superintendent.

Anna Porter said that data collection and entry is about 80 percent complete for the reinspection. They have been working with the program conversion.

Kevin Peroutek, noxious weed director, said they were retreating some roads for bindweed. He attended the August weed director meeting in Simpson; EMP – Peroutek attended a disaster exercise in Salina; He reported several projects have been submitted for ARPA funds approval; He said Jewell County has submitted the first formal ARPA report.

Shannon Meier said August was a busy month along with being short staffed. Shannon said the new building was completed and they would start working on the addition. He discussed ambulance repairs.

Nancy Marihugh reported 11 positive COVID-19 cases for August with two active cases. She said they have been providing testing for the Jewell County Hospital and Clinic, and schools as well as providing vaccines. She said Dr. Walker, medical director, approved the third COVID-19 dose. She discussed providing flu and COVID-19 vaccines at the corn show on Oct. 9. She applied for a vaccine access grant. She met with the school district to discuss the testing plan. She participated in the Mitchell County Health Foundation virtual meeting. Pawnee Mental Health tested the telehealth equipment. Julie McEntee’s last day was Tuesday and Home Health is seeking applicants.

Alex Carabajal reviewed the monthly stats. She discussed issues with Pawnee Mental Health Services.

Carla Waugh said they are preparing for the Nov. 2 city and school election. She has completed the required publications and set up through the vendor portal. Carla reported her office sent out notices to those on the National Change of Address list. This list is provided by the Secretary of State Office and the United States Postal Service to aid in cleaning up mailing addresses and moves. She also submitted the certified report of registered voters to the secretary of state. She said the office is preparing for hosting the North Central Kansas County Clerk’s District meeting on Sept. 16.

Steve Greene said he attended the Juvenile Detention Center meeting. He said they have received memos from the insurance company and wanted to remind everyone when an employee leaves the building on non-county business, they must clock out. He also said employees need to keep personal cell use to minimum.

Brent Beck said he and Keith Roe were fence viewers for a dispute. Beck said the county commissioners have created the new position of road supervisor for the Road and Bridge Department.

Keith Roe said he attended the NCRPC meeting. He invited everyone to the open house for the Jewell County Highway Department’s new shop from 8 to 10 a.m.,on Sept. 16. This concluded office head meeting.

Steve Greene told Nancy Marihugh the board appreciated all the dedicated time and effort the health department has been providing. He said he thought it was also important they all have time off and if they need to hire additional help that is understandable.

Matt Homelvig, and Beth McCain, Chief Disposal, had questions about the operations and licensing of the Recycle and Transfer Center. Matt discussed his trash service, and the need to provide service to Scandia and Courtland. He said he had visited with Travis Garst about the possibility of bringing the trash from Republic County (Scandia and Courtland) to Jewell County. He would be willing to pay a tonnage fee. The commissioners said they would discuss this with Travis Garst, solid waste director.

Shannon Meier, ambulance director, had the State Exchange lease purchase agreement for the 2022 Ford ambulance. The commissioners approved the lease agreement for $95,000 for 72 months.

Pawnee Mental Health Services requested the commissioners’ approval on the proclamation for September as Recovery Month. The motion was passed.

Joel Elkins, general superintendent, had bids for a new motor grader. Casey Fraser, Foley Tractor, was present for the bid opening. No action was taken on the bids so they can be reviewed.

It was approved to sign the new hire form for Drakeland Willitts, bridge laborer.

Kevin Peroutek and Laura Leite, grant consultant, discussed the Cunningham Telephone & Cable proposal requesting ARPA funding. They also discussed other requests for ARPA funding including Republic County Rural Water District.

The revised employment rules and regulations for the Jewell County Highway Department (Road & Bridge) were approved.


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