Country Roads

September 11, brings mixed feelings to mind of horror, shock, sorrow, disbelief and even vengeance. It’s hard to believe it was 20 years ago the tragic attacks happened that destroyed the two towers of the World Trade Center in New York, part of the Pentagon on the outskirts of our Nation’s Capitol, and later the crash of an airplane as heroic passengers were overtaking the hijackers.

Those who remember that day will never forget it. Even though we in the Midwest were thousands of miles away, we felt the pain and horror as we knew our beloved country had been attacked. As we think back to 7:45 a.m., central time, that day,we remember what we were doing and where we were. It was a typical day in September. The weather was fall like, as I was getting ready to go to work at the Jewell County Record office. As I drove down Highway 36 towards Mankato, I listened to music from my car radio. The music was interrupted for a news bulletin. The news flash was the north tower of the World Trade Center had been struck by an airplane. My first thought was “Wow! What was that pilot thinking..maybe it was a total accident...” Then the report went on to say it was thought to be an attack. Many thought, how could this happen? Who would attack the United States?

I arrived at the office, and the radio was continuing the report by moment, horror story after horror story. Within 17 minutes the south tower of the World Trade Center had been hit by a second airplane. An hour later, a third airplane hit the southwest side of the Pentagon. Then a fourth tragedy occurred with an airplane crashing into the countryside in Pennsylvania. The passengers of the hijacked plane voted to take control of the plane from the hijackers. Forty brave men and women passengers died in that crash.

Scenes were shown of the heroic efforts of the firefighters, EMTs and police officers trying to rescue and recover people trapped in the ruins of the towers. The public rallied and gave aid where needed. Those who escaped told of the horrors when the towers were hit and what happened to others who did not escape. The total of lives lost was 2,750 in New York along with 400 firefighters and police officers; 184 were killed at the Pentagon; and 40 passengers of flight 93. It was later learned this airplane was targeting the U.S. Capitol Building.

All this horror happened when 19 radical Islamic terrorists carried out the planned plot to hijack four airplanes on America’s East Coast and destroy the Twin Towers, the Pentagon and the Capitol Building as a suicide mission. The terrorists were hoping it would bring America to its knees but it didn’t. The day after the attacks, Americans rallied and patriotism came alive again. Business’ sold out of American flags and flags were seen flying everywhere. Americans came together, America Strong!

Twenty years later, those who remember are sharing their memories of that fateful day so the next generation can be informed, warned and prepared. Hopefully and prayerfully something like this will not happen again but we didn’t think it ever would happen as it did 20 years ago. Let’s not forget!


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