Commissioners hear about Cunningham broadband project

Cunningham speaks to commissioners about broadband project

The Jewell County commissioners met Aug. 23. Commissioners Brent Beck, Steve Greene and Keith Roe were present. Carla J. Waugh, county clerk was present for the meeting.

Wanda Backstrom, chief court services officer, had for the commissioners’ review and approval the Kansas Department of Corrections, Community Corrections Comprehensive Plan Quarterly and Year End Outcome Report. The commissioners approved and signed the FY21 Year End Report for Community Correction Plan.

Brent Cunningham, Cunningham Telephone, said they are seeking $250,000 under Jewell County’s American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to fund a $454,300, eight-mile fiber broadband project designed to provide high-speed, reliable and affordable broadband internet to approximately 173 residential households, businesses, and anchor institutions in unserved and underserved area(s) within Jewell County. To serve the greatest number of community members, Cunningham Telephone & Cable proposed to build a fiber network that will consist of fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) to homes passed along the fiber mainline, serving state-of-the-art fiber internet to roughly 33 households. Fiber backbone technology will then be used to expand the reach of wireless internet to 140 NCKCN customers, with increased reliability and speed. NCKCN is a 501c3, non-profit and by using their wireless internet reach, the company can benefit Jewell County with both higher speeds and new coverage areas.

Don Jacobs, sheriff, discussed hiring a full-time dispatcher and two deputies. It was approved to waive the residential requirement for the law enforcement personnel.

Nancy Marihugh, health director, requested the commissioners’ approval for the county health officer agreement. Commissioners agreed to sign the agreement with Dr. Walker. Marihugh also had the contract for the WIC dietitian. Commissioners approved the Mitchell County Health Department contract for the WIC dietitian.

The commissioners discussed road concerns with Curt Slate, road and bridge department. Greene reported road concerns from Mark Stokes and Greg McMillan.

Chairman Roe opened the 2022 Budget Hearing at 10:04 a.m. for comments. The 2022 county budget was approved.

The report of the fence viewers was approved and filed with the register of deeds office.


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