August being packed with end of summer activities

Thus far August has been packed with special events. Here in Superior the chamber of commerce sponsored on the first Saturday, the Sidewalk Bazaar, an event started more than 60 years ago. That was followed on the second Saturday by the city-wide garage sale. This week it is Homegrown party and bazaar and the Flights of Honor display. Sunday the annual Lady Vestey Ice Cream Social was held in City Park.

To the north of Superior the 50th anniversary of Dick's Place was combined with Lawrence Community Club to make for a fun day on Aug. 7. This past weekend the annual Deweese Demolition Derby was held outside the small Clay County Community. The Thayer County Fair was also held last week at Deshler.

To the south, the tenth anniversary of Sam's Place was held Saturday at Esbon and Campground Christmas was held at Lovewell State Park. Comming up is a national event in the Concordia area featuring the use of antique construction equipment.

And we must not forget the Nebraska State Fair which is held at Grand Island in late August.

To the critics who say there is nothing to do in the rural areas, we suggest they turnoff their computer games and venture out. There is lots to do if we look for it.

Homegrown happens Saturday in Superior

The Superior Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring Homegrown Saturday. The event was first held in 2019 to feature homegrown arts, crafts and ale. The event was not staged in 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The event is being staged on Commercial Avenue and a portion of East Fourth Street.

There is still time for local craft vendors, produce growers and food vendors to sign up for the event. Prospective vendors can contact the chamber office for further information.

Homegrown kicks off at 3 p.m., Saturday.

There will be an inflatable water park with a slide from 3 to 7 p.m. The park is open to children and adults of all ages.

There will be a beer garden sponsored by Superior Spirits and featuring DJ Bridwell beer, named for a local musician, from 4 to 9 p.m.

Bow Ty Audio with Ty Rempe will provide music from 3 to 7 p.m. The Motor Company will present live music from 7 to 9 p.m.

The Superior Auditorium will have the Flights of Honor Display available for viewing from 1:30 to 9 p.m.

The auditorium will also have fresh squeezed lemonade available.

The Superior FFA Chapter will be serving pulled pork. Superior Masonic Lodge 121, A.F. & A.M., will be serving root beer floats.

Newly designed ‘Rural is Cool’ T-shirts will be available for pre-order,

Homegrown is Superior’s end of summer celebration and is open to all.

Honor Flight display

The New Flights of Honor exhibit is scheduled to arrive at the Superior Auditorium on Friday It will be available for public viewing from 1:30 to 9 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sunday.

The exhibit will have nine separate frames arranged to provide spacing between visitors.

The exhibit, created by Patriotic Productions of Omaha, includes of hundreds of photos from the Heartland Honor Flights that took 3,466 veterans from 386 Nebraska communities to Washington, D.C., during the years 2008 to 2019. The exhibit will provide opportunities for those veterans to re-live their experiences and for family members, volunteers and patriots of all ages to reminisce and educate others about the importantance of thanking and honoring our veterans. Admission to the exhibit will be free.

The exhibit includes nine separate double-sided frames with photos of the flights for World War II, Korean and Vietnam war veterans and purple heart veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.


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