Jewell County Commissioners hear department reports

The Jewell County commissioners met July 26, with commissioners Brent Beck, Steve Greene and Keith Roe present.

The following were present for office head meeting: Amanda Davis, register of deeds; Nancy Marihugh, health administrator; Alexandria Carabajal, county attorney; Chris Petet, custodian; Kevin Peroutek, noxious weed director, emergency preparedness director and 911 coordinator; and Shannon Meier, ambulance director. Those absent were Nora Rhoades, Post Rock Extension District director; Travis Garst, solid waste director; Don Jacobs, sheriff; Anna Porter, county appraiser; Brenda Eakins, treasurer; and Joel Elkins, general superintendent.

Shannon Meier reported an average month for EMS.

Chris Petet reported on normal maintenance.

Amanda Davis said they have reorganized the office. She is searching for different tables as the current tables are in poor condition and falling apart.

Nancy Marihugh said they continue to provide COVID-19 updates twice per week. She said the Jewell County Health Department started providing the Pfizer vaccine in June. They also have the J&J and Moderna vaccine available. They will be set up at school enrollment with vaccines for students. They have attended a virtual training and meeting. Nancy has been working on grant reporting.

Kevin Peroutek reported the emergency operation plan was submitted to the state for review. He said the county has contracted with Cottonwood Consulting for assistance with the ARPA funding. Kevin said he attended the noxious weed conference. He is working on warning letters for noxious weed control.

Alex Carabajal reported 137 traffic cases to date this year; one new child in need of care case; seven fish and game; one felony; one misdemeanor; and three pending DUI.

Carla Waugh reported the IBM server was updated over the weekend. She discussed entities exceeding the RNR for their 2022 budget.

Steve Greene said he attended the economic development meeting and plans to attend the hospital board meeting.

Brent Beck said he viewed a fence that is in dispute. This concluded office head meeting.

Laura Crum telephoned to advise she resigned her position as dispatcher for the sheriff’s office.

Joel Elkins, general superintendent, discussed a contract for a bridge project in Vicksburg Township on the county line. He also had a proposal from Professional Engineering Consultants (PEC) for the design of a bridge replacement project in Limestone Township. The commissioners discussed other road and bridge concerns. Elkins had a quote for a tree attachment shredder for the excavator. Elkins was given permission to purchase the tree attachment for the excavator from Foley Equipment for a total of $53,452.36.

Emily Benedick, NCRPC executive director, discussed the North Central Regional Solid Waste Management Plan. The commissioners adopted Resolution 21-12 which approves participation in and adoption of the solid waste management committee update for the region served by the North Central Kansas Solid Waste Management Plan.

Chris Petet, custodian, discussed the repairs for the generator per fire marshal’s inspection findings.

Don Jacobs, sheriff, discussed the fire marshal’s inspection of the jail.


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