New steel bench for Nelson's Harbine Park

New bench for Harbine Park

If you've ever been to Harbine Park in Nelson and sat on one of the wooden benches, you know the park is in need of an update. Over the years, city employees and volunteers have done their best to keep the wooden benches in the best condition possible by painting, treating and replacing rotted or broken boards. Just a few years ago, treated lumber was purchased and a few new benches were made. Even those are showing signs of wear and tear. The park board is aware of this and with your help would like to replace them.

It was suggested to the board that if a person would pay half the price of a bench, the park board would pay the other half. This idea caught on, and a new bench was purchased. The bench is made of coated steel and is surprisingly lightweight, lighter than the wooden benches, and weatherproof. Similar benches can be found on the big playground in the park and have held up to the elements very well.

The new bench was placed on the west side of the pool under the big tree. Royce and Brenda Schott donated the funds to help with the purchase. Eventually, a plaque will be added to the new benches featuring the names of those who helped in the purchase. Another bench was purchased by the Schott family about three years ago and placed in the area where the washerboard tournaments are held. That bench, along with six trees, were planted in the memory of LeRoy and Reta Schott. LeRoy enjoyed playing washerboards, so that is where the bench was placed.

The park board plans to begin with replacing the benches around the pool area and then move on to other areas of the park. The total cost of a bench is around $600. This price fluctuates a bit, just like everything else these days.

If you are interested in sponsoring a bench, contact the City of Nelson office or a park board member.


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