Movie “Season” starts Labor Day Weekend
The Jewell County Cinema Board, Inc. (JCCI) met last Monday, via ZOOM and in person. Thadd Hinkle, Liza Goodheart (ZOOM), Phyllis Christie, Janis McDill, Chris Klos and Kristin Underwood were present.
Janis McDill presented the treasurer’s report, stating ‘Spirit’ didn’t do well, but ‘Cruella’ was somewhat better.
In old business, Klos asked if Janis McDill had received an invoice for insurance coverage. She stated she has not, nor has she received a bill from Sonic for the warranty. She will contact Sonic about the warranty bill.
Christie said the fire extinguishers are up-to-date. Hinkle said the drumming event that Barb Elbracht hosted during the Mammoth Festival went well attended. Klos said the transformer has been replaced in the Indian sign, but now they have to repair some neon.
In new business, Christie stated ‘Peter Rabbit’ will be the movie for July 30, 31, and Aug. 1. McDill is trying to get ‘Under the Stadium Lights’ for Aug. 13, 14 and 15. The board agreed to start the movie “season” on Labor Day weekend. Discussion was held on the ice cream social to be held on Aug. 21.
Krisitin Underwood said she and Tammy Finnell would like to set up a dinner and a movie fundraiser on Saturday, Oct. 30. They would like to show “Rocky Horror Picture Show” and encourage costumes and props. They will determine where the donations will go later. They will post it on Facebook and ask for a newspaper article to be written for publicity. Kristin moved to allow this event to be held, adjusting it around the movie that will be shown that weekend. Klos seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Discussion was held about the condition of the outside poster holder and the bench. Thadd asked Chris if he could do the repairs and put a coat of finish on both.
The next meeting will be Aug. 30, which will be the annual meeting.
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