Man fined $10 for shooting his wife five times

It happened 120 years ago in Glen Elder ~ From the Jewell County Memories

120 Years Ago

August 2, 1901

Twenty-nine acres of wheat belonging to Elwood Butts yielded 829 bushels.

It was estimated Kansas would raise 25 million bushels of corn during the year, a little more than twice as much as Jewell County alone used to raise in a single year.

Frank Murphy, Mankato, had a close call while working with Shell and Walter Hill’s steamer at John Divel’s place. He had been feeding and jumped down to oil. As he reached over the big belt with the oil, his jacket was caught by the belt. He yanked the belt off the wheel and was able to save himself. His arm was badly injured.

A Glen Elder man was fined $10 and costs for shooting at his wife five times. Two dollars a shot ought to make a man pause and consider what crime he is about to commit.

It was claimed that 200 Jewell County men registered for Oklahoma land.


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