
August . . .

Always a special month to me as birthdays abound; wedding anniversaries seem abundant, and . . . football season gets all that much closer.

I learned from the comic section of today’s paper that in August there are no national holidays . . . so we have to make our own holidays. It is fortunate that we do have the religious holiday of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We can add that to our personal holidays.

I start the month with my own birthday and 55 never looked so good. Of course I have to look back at that age with historical perspective, however.

But yes, I did enjoy a birthday celebration with two grandsons with birthdays nearby and a bunch of the family assembled. A good time was had by all.


I’m not sure how the month is going to pan out for everyone, but for Nancy and me, we’re going to stop talking funerals.

A week or so ago, we were commenting on the number of funerals in the local area this year. It seemed excessive. Not a COVID-19 death among them that we know of.

However, this past week the flood gates seemed to open and this weekend may be a hallmark for us. You see, there are three funerals, a wedding ceremony and a 50th anniversary celebration of friends that we’d like to go to. They are all on Saturday.

Ain’t going to happen. We’ll pick and choose I guess.

I think we’ll stop talking funerals, however.


I haven’t talked about the COVID-19 pandemic for a while, but I’d like to make a comment.

There are so many ways to look at this time in our history, fighting the pandemic. For the perspective of society the biggest complaint I’ve heard is the fact that the sickness is not through infecting people yet.

If you believe the unspoken story lines of the national TV people, the sickness can be avoided by the vaccine and the number of cases of new sickness rising is just not supposed to happen.

I strongly suspect those people on national TV promote this feeling, as if most all of us share it as well.

I realize in this day when solutions to problems are solved by the pushing of a button, or the taking of a pill seem to be the norm, this solution to the COVID-19 pandemic that we now have seems to be taking forever for society in general. However, there are many of us that realize not all problems in the world can be solved with the simple solutions that so many people have come to expect and extend that idea to all of life’s situations.

Patience . . . knowledge . . . and time helps solve problems. Give it time folks. A year and a half isn’t all that long of a time with a pandemic. Consider the Spanish flu of 1918 and polio pandemic of the 1950s and all the other pandemic and epidemics since those times. They did not end overnight and neither will the COVID-19 pandemic.

The best we all can do is get the vaccine and be watchful in all we do.


Have you been keeping up on the story of those Texas liberal state senators who had fled the state rather than stay home to do the state’s business?

From what I understand they left the state to keep the Texas state senate from having a quorum for a vote concerning regulations for elections. Those liberals expected to lose that vote, so rather than stay and suffer losing the vote, they fled, thereby making it impossible for the senate to vote on the subject at all.

It just doesn’t make any sense at all to me. I can appreciate not wanting to lose a vote, nobody does. But it happens . . .

Liberals did a very similar thing in Wisconsin a few years back. They did not like how they expected a vote to end, so they left the state. Did not make any sense and when they eventually returned, they lost the vote anyway.

I really question the integrity and veracity of those liberals now out of the state legislature they pledged to serve in. How they expect to do so living in Washington D. C. is a question for them to decide.

I’m not certain of all that they are objecting to, but one item many liberals seem to object to in recent years is the idea of using photo ID’s for election identification. I did check this bit of election history and it seems there are 20 states that currently have a photo ID as a means of identification for elections.

Despite the fact photo ID’s are used for almost all ID requirements today, the liberals seem to think it is unfair to ask people to use a photo ID for an election. In addition from news information I’ve read or heard, those states with the toughest ID requirements for voting have some of the highest voter turnouts among all the states.

The end of this story is not over by a long ways. It will be interesting to see how it comes out.


I understand how difficult it is to organize and operate something as big and diverse the federal government is. However, what I don’t understand is just why the government is so obsessed in trying to control this pandemic we have in certain ways. I think “some” of their actions are good. However, how can that same government simply “overlook” the number of pandemic cases that just walk over the southern U. S. border and spread the infection anywhere and everywhere?

Can someone explain that ? ? ?



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