
“Doctor’s Advice . . .”

Seems most of us around my general age range grew up with a respect for doctor’s advice. We were constantly told the doctor was the expert and knew more than we did.

I suspect that is true in many, if not most, cases. However, every so often something comes up that make me wonder just who does the best.

Nancy and I just had our annual heart doctor appointments and we were give a whole set of new guidelines considering the amount of water to drink on a daily basis.

I can remember from many years ago that it seemed most all doctors and most everyone else preached the importance of drinking water, or proper fluids of some kind. If I remember correctly, they encouraged each and every one of us to drink eight, eight-ounce glasses of water a day.

I admit I was never faithful to that advice, but Nancy came much closer to reaching that goal than I did.

We were told at our appointments with our cardiologist that it just did not make much sense to drink that much all the time.

We were both sort of shocked when he told us not to worry about drinking that much fluids every day. And, even more shocked when he asked us why we started doing this and who told us to drink that much.

I commented that I didn’t think he was so young that he didn’t remember the admonitions of the medical establishment years ago recommending we drink that much water.

So, we have cut back on the amount of water we drink as the argument he made against the large volume of water seemed to make sense.

Will it help ? ? ?

Heaven only knows . . . but I have grown more questionable about Doctor’s Advice.


What a difference . . .

Summer is here folks and the weather prognosticators on TV, or your phone keep us hooked into waiting for every word that comes from their mouths or computers.

It’s a tough job and they do get the forecasts correct much of the time. However, they are not perfect.

If I remember correctly 2021 was to be a “dry” year for our farmers, and the rest of us.

I checked the NRD Rain site Monday and it seems most of us have already received our usual annual amount of rain. Hastings has almost 25 inches of rain this year, Lawrence has had more than 23 inches, Nora more than 21 inches, Nelson 20.7.

Then, this past week, a slight amount of rain had a poor chance of falling last weekend, according to the experts, and on Saturday they even lowered those chances even more. The result: three to four inches of rain in Blue Hill and Superior and points in between. Lawrence had 1.5 inches, Oak very close to an inch.

Take care in who you listen to if you’re going to base your life on weather forecasters. There are times when they get things right . . . but other times they are not so good.


This week the liberals in our U. S. Congress are trying to go one step further in their effort to control “everything.”

I reprint the follow paragraph I got through the Knights of Columbus organization concerning the liberal effort to the killing of the unborn.

“This week, the U.S. House of Representatives will vote on several government funding bills that remove long-standing, bi-partisan provisions, such as the Hyde Amendment, which prohibit taxpayer dollars from being used to pay for abortion. The Hyde Amendment has been passed every year since it was first introduced in 1976 by the late U.S. Rep. Henry Hyde of Illinois, a brother Knight. Over the last 45 years, this important provision has saved the lives of more than 2.4 million children!”

I still contend the liberals in the U. S. Congress just do not understand what they are doing as it is very similar to what the Germans did in the 1930s, leading up to the killings of millions of Jews, Catholics and people deemed not worthy to live. In reading several histories of Germany of that time, they took step by step actions to set up what became the holocaust. It didn’t “just happen”, it was planned out and I’m afraid that this is just another effort of the liberals to take America down that same road.



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