
Gosh, last week I had a number of items I was thinking about for this space. However, I did make a note of them and have seemed to have forgotten most of them by Monday morning. So, I think I’ll cover several items without any particular system in mind.

VOTING — I have watched with great interest the changes in the voting laws around the nation this year, to date.

It is interesting.

Last year the Liberals won the national office of president and now control the federal government.

On the local level in many, many states, the more conservative interests won control the state governments (governor and legislature).

Since that time many of these same states have tried to enact changes in state’s voting regulations. The reaction . . . Georgia did it and political and industrial interests condemned the action and cost the state the privilege of hosting the baseball ‘All-Star game’ among other events. Texas . . . This may be the most interesting. Liberal state senators have walked out of the state congress in order to deny the conservatives a ‘quorum’ of voters in their senate. The liberals knew they could not defeat the voting law changes in a straight vote, so they walked out knowing that the vote could not be taken at all.

Liberals in Wisconsin did the same thing about ten years ago when they knew they could not defeat a change that most conservatives wanted.

The reason I bring this up here in the middle of conservative Nebraska is twofold: First, to show just how far liberals will go to get their own way. Those Texas liberal democrats not only stopped the voting rights legislation, but also all other type of legislation necessary for the proper function of the state of Texas.

Secondly: In this morning’s national news, it has been reported that five members of the group of Texans have come down with the COVID-19 (or variant thereof) virus. During this past week our vice-president of the United States met with this group several times I understand and Sunday, she made a visit to a Washington D.C. area hospital.

The national Democrats were telling the media Monday morning her visit to the hospital was “routine.”

That little bit of a statement is really what makes this whole affair so laughable. I don’t know of anyone who is hospitalized on a Sunday goes there as a “routine” visit.

Draw your own conclusions.

In general, the liberal Democrats won the national elections. The conservative Republicans (and friends) won the local elections last year. The national leaders don’t like the fact they can’t control the local elections and are doing whatever they can to control them.

The attempt at the national level to control the election voting system is not allowed in the U. S. Constitution anyway. The power to run an election is given to the states and that is what they are trying to do in spite of the liberal Democrat’s efforts to control your life and mine.

Sounds a lot like ‘Socialism’ and that can’t be good for anyone or anything.


CUBA – I’m sure you’ve heard of the demonstrations in Cuba in the past few weeks. I’ve heard from the national media and even local people: “if they are so unhappy, why don’t they just get another job to make more money and pay for medical care?”

Under a Socialist government, you can’t just change jobs to find something more suitable. You take the job the government gives to you. This was brought out very well in the book on Chernobyl that I read. After the nuclear disaster took the jobs of so many people, they were eventually moved to new locations. However, they never knew what kind of job they might get.

I understand in Cuba, the government sends many of their medical personnel off to other countries as the government of Cuba earns cold hard cash for their services. That sounds pretty good, but the result was that the people in Cuba were denied proper/timely medical care.

Socialism . . . so many faults are built into the system.


CORNHUSKERS — Remember Frank Solich ? ? ? The Nebraska football coach that followed Tom Osborne. Nebraska fired him after winning nine games one year.

Well, he is retiring as coach of an Ohio football team where he won many more games than he lost. I wonder if those athletic directors ever stop to think of “what if” I made a different decision.

Since we can’t go back and change the past, we just go on, but we can remember . . . and wonder.


MEMORY — Looking back over the beginning I mentioned forgetting things.

Several weeks ago our 20 year old stove went ‘ku-put’ and gave up working for us.

Now . . . the intervening time it took to secure a new stove proved interesting in our household. We actually probably use our micro-wave more than our stove, but we still do use the stove and there-in was our problem. We decided to have spaghetti, until we remembered we needed the stove top to cook the spaghetti. (That actually happened twice.) One day, we got a good laugh at ourselves as we were half way through the chicken preparations and decided to pre-heat the oven . . . and realized (at last) that we had no working oven to use.

As you get older, a person has to keep a sense of humor.



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