Wind storm blasts Nuckolls County

For residents of the plains, windstorms are a part of life. Much of Nebraska experienced one of those windstorms Friday night. The storm reported by the National Weather Service to be at Bostwick and moving east at 50 miles per hour hit Superior about 11:15. While the winds weren’t that strong here, Omaha reported 96-mile-per hour wind gusts,

A South Central Public Power District representative indicated the storm was stronger in Clay County than it was in Nuckolls. South Central had two double-pole structures blown down south of Harvard along with about a dozen distribution poles downed in that area.

In Lawrence the power was out about 90 minutes. In the Angus area a tree limb land on power lines, Over all the storm affected about 1,500 meters in the South Central Public Power District.

Lawrence had several trees blown down. In that community, Pat Faimon lost one of two large trees in front of his home. However, in his garden not more than 100 feet or so from the downed tree, his sweet corn stand was still straight up. The Lawrence community received about a quarter inch of rain.


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