Rollan Schott, originally from Nelson, published his debut book, a novella titled A Grave Concern, on May 8. The fictional work is available for order on Amazon in paperback and Kindle e-Book formats.
A Grave Concern tells the whimsical tale of a young artisan as she travels across vast kingdoms in search of a missing king, who might hold the key to a romantic longing she struggles to define. The story's episodic narrative offers a clever and modern twist on classic fairy tale tropes and explores themes of independence, wanderlust and empathy.
Schott, 33, currently lives in Auckland, New Zealand with his wife, Lauren Schott, a commercial interior designer, and their hairless cat, Kairo. Schott currently works as the content marketing team lead for New Zealand's Search Engine Optimisation agency. His parents, Royce and Brenda, have been devoted advocates on his behalf, enthusiastically rallying support for the book in his home community.
The novella was written as a wedding gift for Lauren, and the story's protagonist was written to reflect the qualities Rollan most admired in his bride-to-be. Its travelog narrative reflects the globetrotting lifestyle that has defined their time together.
Rollan met Lauren, originally from South Africa, while the two were teaching English in South Korea. They then spent two and a half years in Hanoi, Vietnam before travelling together to New Zealand. Rollan's experiences as a stranger in faraway lands greatly informed the shifting landscapes and cultures in A Grave Concern.
More about the book:
"The young artisan brought her grave concern to the Castle of the Wind."
The doors to the Castle of the Wind had been shuttered for some time, and the Valley of the Wind was approaching its third harvest since anybody in the kingdom had laid eyes upon their king.
Spritely and determined, the young artisan was tall and handsome with a mess of bright red hair. She had been so happy for so long that people in the Kingdom of the Wind had come to know her as Joy, though her grave concern had severely tempered her exuberance. Though she had come to the Castle of the Wind seeking the redress of her concern, she left instead with a handful of coins and a quest-one that would carry her to the furthest reaches of the world.
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