Patrick Moore named 2021 Principal of the Year

The Nebraska State Association of Secondary School Principals has selected Patrick Moore as the 2021 High School Principal of the Year. This award is presented annually to a principal who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in their school, region, and at the state level. The award honors principals who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of: Personal Excellence, Collaborative Leadership, Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment, and Personalization.

Mr. Moore has been in education since 2006 and has been the principal at Blue Hill High School since 2015. He also served as the PK-12 principal of Bruning-Davenport from 2011 to 2015. Prior to working in school administration, he taught social studies at Creighton Junior-Senior High School in Creighton, Neb. Mr. Moore, a native of Edgar, attended Sandy Creek High School and has been a member of the Nebraska Council of School Administrators (NCSA), the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD), the Nebraska State Association of Secondary School Principals (NSASSP) and the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) since 2010.

Mr. Joe'l Ruybalid, superintendent of Blue Hill Community Schools said, "Patrick's skills in communication, collaboration, community building (both within and outside the school), his ability to articulate and be guided by a clear vision, and his willingness to take risks and lead change have all been a significant benefit to our district."

Mr. Ben Jones, a current administrator and colleague of Patrick's said, "I witnessed first hand how he can quickly and effectively change a school climate and culture for the better. His understanding of community and the ability to build strong relationships make him perfect for the High School Principal of the Year Award."

Ms. Christine Lockhart-Brown, visual arts instructor at Blue Hill High School noted, "Mr. Moore leads by example and many students, staff and people in the community find his enthusiasm and dedication both inspiring and motivating. He continually has put forth his utmost effort in any and every endeavor, never backing down from any challenge."

Mr. Moore received his bachelor of arts degree in social science and history from Doane College in 2003. In 2006, he earned his masters of arts degree in curriculum and instruction from Doane College. He then went on in 2011 and received his master of education in educational leadership from Doane College. In 2017, Patrick received his education specialist degree from Doane College. Mr. Moore was selected as the Region I Principal of the Year in 2014 and the Region IV Principal of the Year in 2019. He is currently an active member of the Region IV Principals Group and the ESU 9 Principal's Group and has served these groups since 2015. Patrick and his wife, Jessica, have three children Ty who is 8 years old, Breck who is 6 years old, and Maebry who is 4 years old. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Moore, Edgar.


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