Ask a Pastor

Presenting Biblical answers to tough questions

Q: How do you tell if someone is teaching falsely? 

A: The Bible offers two basic tests for truth: agreement with God’s Word and the character of the teacher. As the Nation of Israel was entering the Promised Land, God warned them about people who would seek to lead them astray. In order to prepare them to face this, He commanded the Israelites to memorize and study His Word constantly, then compare it with what others are teaching. Any teaching that did not match up was false (Deuteronomy 11:16-21). This advice is repeated to God’s people throughout the Bible (Psalm 1:1-2; Psalm 119:105; 2 Timothy 2:15; etc.). 

Christ added an additional tip by telling His disciples, “You will know [false teachers] by their fruits.” (Matthew 7:15-20) Those who live by the truths of God experience peace, rest, blessing and strength of character; they are compared to a strong and healthy tree by the riverside (Psalm 1:3; Jerimiah 17:7-8). Just like you wouldn’t take financial advice from a person up to their eyeballs in debt, so also you shouldn’t listen to a teacher who is ungodly or unwise in their character. Genuine character can be hard to spot, however, so we must be patient and careful when searching for it. 

Let me break these ideas down into some practical tips. First, learn to ‘filter’ the messages you are being given, never accept something as true until you’ve tested it yourself or run it by someone you trust. If someone uses Scripture to back up their teachings, look up the references. Are they twisting the verses or are they using them in context? Also, seek out people with godly character and spend time around them; absorb their knowledge and let that character rub off on you! Most importantly, stay connected with a good Bible-teaching Church! Part of a pastor’s job is to help his congregation avoid wrong and harmful ideas. If something doesn’t seem right; ask your pastor or another mature believer!

If you have a question you would like a Biblical answer to, you can send it via email to [email protected] or by mail to Formoso Church; P.O. Box 66; Formoso, Kan. 66942


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