USD 107 board approves supplemental contracts

President Kenny Mizner called the meeting of the board of education for USD No. 107 to order in the meeting room at the district office Monday. Those present were Kenny Mizner, Brandon Hollerich, Lori Slate, Lori Yelken, Marc Grout, Rex Boley, Sam Meyers, Cassi Owen, Janet Higer and Trevor Elkins.

Elementary classrooms are being moved this summer. The library moved from the elementary to the practice gym. Summer deep cleaning has begun. The RHJSH staff classrooms are also moved and deep cleaning has started.

Drivers education has finished for the summer. District vehicles are having repairs done and serviced.

The district has room to take on 8,000 gallons of unleaded fuel so the admistration is watching the price of fuel.

The board clerk reported longevity bonuses were paid out as well as unused personal leave, mentor stipends and all supplemental contracts.

The 6-12 principals reported school physicals will be offered at Rock Hills Junior-Senior High School on July 28. Times will be assigned for each grade level and no appointment times will be used. Further details will be shared with patrons as the event approaches.

Friday the Rock Hills Jr-Sr High School Building Leadership Team met to look at Spring FastBridge testing data.

Monday and Wednesday Rock Hills Jr-Sr High School English lLanguage arts teachers, special education teachers, and At-Risk teachers met to review the new English curriculum and prepare it for the upcoming semester.

The English language arts curriculum (ELA) for the Elementary and Jr-Sr High has been received.

Elementary teachers completed a week-long professional development lead by Ms. Owen, the elementary principal. During the in-service they looked at the new ELA curriculum, math curriculum and next year’s schedule. They worked with MTSS TASN on Fastbridge student learning data taken in May.

Jr-Sr High Building Leadership Team met with MTSS TASN to review Fastbridge student learning data taken in May.

The district is working with Pike Valley school district to offer Advanced Math-CCCC Math class for students.

The administration will be starting on the 2021-2022 District Budget process after receiving information from KSDE.

Jacob Berry would like to build a Gaga Pit Game at the elementary school as part of his Eagle Scout Project. Jacob will be developing a more detailed plan before presenting his plan to the board.

Blueprints and reports were delivered to HTK in Topeka regarding district buildings. HTK was in the district on Monday for an on-site visit. This is the beginning process of the facility study.

Johnson Architects from Concordia have submitted a quote of $15,850 for their work. There is additional cost in taking soil samples and the cost of the labor, installation and completion of the water mitigation project. Johnson Architects would design the water mitigation project based upon the soil sample data results. They would prepare all documents for the bid process. Part of their fee is for on-site inspection and follow-up during the construction process.

The district is looking in to purchasing a 12-passenger bus. The two colors they come in are white or school bus yellow. White buses can only be used to transport students to activities. School bus yellow can go door to door and pick up students. The district is considering this because the driver doesn’t need a CDL license. This would be good for student activities because the sponsor could drive the bus and not tie up two Suburbans. Approximate cost $65,000 per bus. In addition, the district is looking into purchasing a couple of nine-passenger vans instead of a Suburban. Reasoning for this is the district can haul the same amount of students in a nine-passenger van as a Suburban. The estimated cost of one Suburban is $55,000. The estimated cost of a nine-passenger van is $29,000.

The district is looking for a bus driver and elementary MTSS para at the elementary. Beloit is in need of special education paras for the school district.

Mr. Boley reviewed the Start of School – 2021-2022 opening plan. His recommendation to the board is to not offer remote learning next year. He would like to get that information to patrons as soon as possible through the swift reach program. The board recommended he also put a video out on Facebook explaining this. The board approved the reopening as a draft document.

The board discussed the 2020-21 proposed meeting dates. Mr. Meyers pointed out a correction on activities for Sept. 13, Oct. 11 and Nov. 8. The board will vote on this at the July meeting.

Mr. Boley informed the board the end of the year meeting will be at 8 a.m., June 24. The board will finalize and close out the fiscal year and open a new year.

The board held the first reading for the Title-Homeless policies and the athletic handbook. As part of the discussion of the athletic handbook, some possible additions were noted.

A second reading was held on the high school handbook, elementary school handbook, substitute teacher handbook, transportation handbook and the classified handbook.The handbooks were approved as presented.

Mr. Boley updated the board on the facility study.

Mr. Boley informed the board there would be approximately 60 students at Jumpstart. He said they would not be offering summer opportunities and summer enrichment would be put on hold until next summer. The dates of Jumpstart are July 12 to 30.

A copy of the household economic survey-letter that will replace the free and reduced meal application for determining at-risk students, was shared with the board.

The board reviewed the milk bids.

Mr. Boley recommended they accept the bid from Hiland. Hiland delivers daily vs. F&A being a weekly delivery. Hiland’s milk bid for the 2021-22 school year was approved.

The board reviewed the worker’s compensation policy bids. Keller Leopold Insurance’s bid was approved.

It was approved to close the outgoing seniors account and to open the incoming 6th grade account.

Janet Higer reviewed the new Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance rates and some additions to the policy. The rates are down 4.80 percent. The rates were approved as presented and the contract renewed.

The board approved the following supplemental contracts as amended.

High school: assistant volleyball, Megan Frost; assistant football, Wyatt Flinn; assistant boys basketball, Wyatt Flin; assistant girls basketball, Tracy Anderes; assistant track, Wyatt Flinn; assistant track, Tracy Anderes; head golf coach , Jamie Harvey; assistant golf coach, Justin Schoonover; district activities director, Sawyer Havenstein; district concession sponsor, FBLA;

district band , Barb Elbracht; district vocal, Barb Elbracht; forensics, Abby Elkins; robotics, Chris Rhea; school play, Abby Elkins; FBLA, Barb Railsback; FFA, Jenna Langer; yearbook, Barb Railsback; district accompanist Kathy Beckman and Gaye Daniels; National Honor Society, Amandra McChesney; professional development chair, Billie Cox; district technology coordinator, Billie Cox; assistant district tech coordinator, Nikki Ost; summer district tech coordinator, Billie Cox; freshman class sponsor, Kevin Ost; sophomore class sponsors, Jamie Harvey and Jennifer Walker; senior class sponsors, Amandra McChesney and Nic Naasz.

Junior high: assistant volleyball, Tracy Anderes; assistant football, Zach Duffy; assistant girls basketball, Kevin Feldkamp; scholars bowl, Jana Coil; assistant track , Kevin Feldkamp; assistant track, Zach Duffy; junior high student council, Barb Elbracht; 6th grade sponsors, Pam McGregor and Kevin Feldkamp; 7th grade sponsors, Chris Rhea and Kara Gilbert; 8th grade sponsors, Barb Elbracht and Travis Cox.

Sam Meyer’s contract was approved with a three percent increase.

It was approved to increase all classified employees contracts, with the exception of bus and Suburban drivers, by 3 percent.

Contracts were increased for the yellow bus drivers to $32 per route and the Suburban drivers and the Suburban paras to $29 per route.

The next special meeting is scheduled for 8 a.m., Thursday, June 24. The next regular meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m., Monday, July 12, in the board room of the district office. (Unless otherwise notified through social media or on the website).


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