Love my crazy life

This weekend was exhausting. We cleaned out the garages at the money pit and started on our storage shed. For months they have been a catch-all and dumping ground for the family. We decided since we could not find any of our tools, it needed to be the priority for the weekend. Although we are still not finished, we have made a huge dent. I must say I am ashamed of the mess. I did not create it on my own, but I was definitely a part of the problem. I am hopeful it will continue to improve and things will get put away from now on, but we all know how that goes.

This coming weekend is Father’s Day! I don’t know what would have become of me without my dad. He taught me many things, but the most important lesson he taught me, he taught without trying. He taught me love is unconditional. When I was born, I had a father, but I didn’t meet my dad until I was a toddler. I don’t remember much from before I met him.

I never felt like I didn’t belong in my family. I never felt out of place or that I needed something more. I knew my birth father, and even after I was adopted, I still had visits with him. I have a good relationship with him, but it is nothing like the one I have with my dad. He’s been there with me through it all, and when he is not there, he is the voice in my head, always pushing me forward and reminding me to use the common sense that God gave me.

He was there when I got dumped off a horse for the first time. He was there for my first heartbreak. He was there when I thought my life fell apart and then again when it really did fall apart. Over the years, he has been my anchor in the storm and the lighthouse that eventually lead me home.

He’s one of the reasons why I refrain from using the word “step” to refer to any of my bonus children. Dad never referred to me as his stepdaughter or adopted daughter. I was just his daughter, and that in itself was pretty special. I have seen firsthand how life can be for a child who is not accepted into a family, and it’s not a great way to grow up. My dad chose me, and that is so freaking awesome!

It’s hard to express all of this to my dad. Maybe because he is not the mushy-gushy type, you can sit down for a long heart to heart. Maybe it’s because I get all tongue-tied and can’t seem to get it out. I’m not even sure this does it justice. But I tried. Dad, I know your reading this, so Thank you so much for being my dad! X’s & O’s.


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